Icecrown Horde Reconnections

Hey Trae! Volstagg (tauren hunter) here! If you talk with Ivan tell him I said whats up!

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Artmoro - Tauren Hunter.

Can’t member the guild name in vanilla - they helped me get T1, Lok and Rhok’Delar. I raided a lot in BC with Shock. I remember you Tabmow and Torica. Zygore, Morgauss, Rayned, Cayenna, and my favorite pvp buddy Zikn (still have a pet named after him) were all in Shock.
Play Gummi, a Druid on Myzreal (sp?) in classic!
I was the singing raiding Hunter (doot n Doo doo do dooooo).

Torik - orc prot war
Rolled in secret service towards the end of classic until they disbanded mid-tbc. Then went to shock, briefly, on a belf paladin named before wotlk came out, then left to became raid lead/mt for destroy everything then founded incursio dolus with truistic and was raid lead/ot there till the end of wrath when we all went to RIFT together.

Shout out to Melificant if she’s around still.

Better late than never!

Llil - Priest
Meanieface - Warrior
Bxtch - 19 priest

I’m currently playing on Atiesh-Classic (look for Cutieface or Llil)

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(This is Sokrates btw)

Sorry I never saw this since you replied to Crudler’s post it didn’t notify me. Kind of going back through the post - yeah man those were good times. Way good to read posts from old Epilogue doods - we rebuilt several times and made it all the way into TBC before I left. I don’t actually have contact with anyone else other than my RL friends that I mentioned, but we are raiding on Arcanite Reaper, about to xfer to Fairbanks. How about you?

Really miss everyone from that guild - Kkurm and Aurelius were awesome raid leaders.

Hah I remember being in The Girl Scouts - Sox and Yox were our druids. I think originally was formed when the baby bracket was 21-30.

Was in Secret Service for a while with Boroxxar (Rogue), Octrolia (Priest) & Ahuchmah (Druid). They originated from Order of the Dragon and The Veterans after a merger in classic, still remember the party in the Booty Bay bar :slight_smile: Left SS to go back to original guild The Veterans (RL friends) and still play there on BFA.

Whoa, EPI? Think I rolled with Epi for a short period either before or after SS. Been so long.

A little late to the WoW Classic party, but recently decided to give it another try. Played Icecrown Horde since launch with Ezud (Rogue), Aieka (Warrior), Gaskal (Paladin), and Duze (Warlock). Was with Storm, Sons of Perdition, and Stolen Souls.

Back during BC I played a lot with a tauren named Jerseycowz (with an alt named Jerseylock), dungeons and 2v2 PvP. My main back then was a blood elf hunter named Jalyk.

I used to be the GL of TFF

Torik - Orc Prot Warrior in Secret Service
Ashtoroth - Blood Elf Prot Paladin in Shock then in Incursio Dolus
with a brief time swapped to alliance in Science Tech Division

Edit: realize I posted this before on a now deleted toon, which means I can’t get notifications for replies anymore. Also:
Currently Ashtoroth(Ret Pal)/Tabiti(Enh Sham)/Nerig(Frost DK) on Mankrik(H) for classic, going all the way with Cata!