My IRL Bro can’t log in, posting this on his behalf.
Titarian NE Warrior / Sagitar NE Druid -
Spartans, Ethereal Guardians, Ordo Tenebrae…
remembering Huynh, Jerec, Feane, Zimno, Chasteyes, Voodoochile, Gehron, and many others.
My IRL Bro can’t log in, posting this on his behalf.
Titarian NE Warrior / Sagitar NE Druid -
Spartans, Ethereal Guardians, Ordo Tenebrae…
remembering Huynh, Jerec, Feane, Zimno, Chasteyes, Voodoochile, Gehron, and many others.
I played primarily from Vanilla to Cataclysm. After that I moved to Lightbringer.
Ordo Tenebrae, Select Geeks From WoW, ONE, Veni Vidi Vici, Well of Souls, and Three Amigos were my guilds. Odir, Slushe and Sabena were my primary characters back then.
Going to Atiesh, hope to see some familiar faces.
I remember Thillis getting kicked from the guild during raid and “joining” other guilds. Dolphin always giving any new weapons that I looted unfortunate nicknames… It goes on and on. We had a lot of fun. Kinda keep hoping a few more former AoD people will pop up.
I remember how EG camped Lord Kazzak, and supposedly had some kind of record for the most number of kills, having a bunch of minimum level warlocks camped out there to summon the whole guild quickly.
I also have vague memories of Dolphin, Blades of Wrath, Goldy, and the progression competitiveness between EG, Blades of Wrath and Talisman.
Another fond memory was the opening of the gates of Ahn’Qiraj and how it crashed the server since so many people showed up. Fighting the Emerald Dream dragons was another notable event that brought many on the server together. That and everyone hanging out in Ironforge in front of the auction house!
@eggolas @pbaybevett @escalla I remember raiding with you guys as well!
Chamomile Night Elf Priest
Hildur and Higgen are unable to login due to bugs / issues. They both send their regards.
They’ve also requested that I post some more names… (Some dupes.)
Gledhel, Haukwind, Censorship, Manas, Sumill, Sphie, Mokshaan, Velora, Talondor, Carissa, Jupiter, Chamomile, Bubby, Charrell, Pigsticker, Zaffy, Arcanum, Gello, Isalia, Think, Tyrza, Fiddletwix, Roxen, Jedah, Kaelana, Antari, Hildur, Dangoon, Grundge, Dipper, Alacron, Judge, Autokill, Vesper, Higgen
don’t remember my guild unfortunately I was like 7-8 in 04… I had a NE Druid named Averas used to main heal MC, Onyx, UBRS n shii lmao and a gnome rogue named Deathro/or Skibb, dwarf hunter named Verminar
An old Hunter turn Warrior here. Icez Ready to tank! or maybe not. I might reroll as a healer. But i do intend to play. an old AOD raid member here.
Edit: I can’t post as my main, than again i have not play since the bears “patch”. so maybe that’s why. Cheers to all
I played this toon with myth and la cosa nostra during bc and wrath before switching to horde. I’d be interested if anyone’s still around.
Sandrian, Milphey, Vasuvius, Voodoochile, Flashadin, Brenny, Tethler/Electriza, wohminions to name a few
OH MY GOD, does this bring back the memories. : everybody!
Good to see you too Slice!
I wonder if any of the old guild will come back for Classic?
Nelf priest
Controlled Chaos
Eggo! you scrub!
Braveheart I’ll be on Pagle (PvE East Server)
I’ve been told a few more names from the old DelnAesik (Fiddle, Hildur & Higgen don’t have an active account so they couldn’t post directly):
Gledhel, Haukwind, Censorship, Manas, Sumill, Sphie, Mokshaan, Velora, Talondor, Carissa, Jupiter, Chamomile, Bubby, Charrell, Pigsticker, Zaffy, Arcanum, Gello, Isalia, Think, Tyrza, Fiddletwix, Roxen, Jedah, Kaelana, Antari, Hildur, Dangoon, Grundge, Dipper, Alacron, Judge, Autokill, Vesper, Higgen
It looks like Chamomile and I got the same instructions hahaha
The original FubarGrn NE Hunter here. Former Guild Master of Ethereal Guardians, husband of Alestra the NE Priest. I took over after Biz and Fet departed our company and led the team from that point on. We raided constantly, and had a damn lot of fun. I remember almost everyone, including Biz, Fet, Stonie, Studmuffyn, Voodoochile, Chasteyes, Fiona, Katorii, Katoriia, Cypress, Zenthar and many, many more.
Hell, I think I might even still have the little black book of guild member’s phone numbers that we would call at 2 AM to muster people for Kazzak and Azuregos spawns ,lol.
I wonder if anyone remembers my meltdown on vent when we co-raided Azuregos with Blades of Wrath, when Rokar was being an a-hole to our guys and I called him out on it.
Good times, guys. I had to change this character’s name, because someone reported my original FubarGrn and I was forced by a GM to change it. Alestra lost her name when we transferred to Arygos server and she had to make it Alestria. We don’t play much nowdays, but I still log on every now and then. I currently main a Human Warlock named Obeah. Trying to find the time to get into Classic, I’ve already reserved our original names
Hey fubar its Empey good to see your still kicking i remember you and zenthar and looking up to you two for hunter guidance lol i was a pain in the butt some times lol but we had some good times good lots of names is studmuffin around still
I roomed with Thillis back in the day. I watched him accidentally pull Vael during his trial while i played horde haha. Ill text this link to him
The Girl Scouts? I was Dote
Alhw here
Was in EG then jumped into Talisman. Fun times, either of these groups reforming?