Ice walls completely ruin pvp gameplay

There’s nothing “strategic” about them, it just completely disrupts gameplay in bgs and is beyond stupid (almost as stupid as dragon breath, LOS idiocy). Let me tell you what they’re like. There’s two world-class, chess players in Moscow in the middle of a finals match televised throughout the world, looking at all their pieces intently and thinking 4 - 5 moves ahead deep in concentration, now here comes a 300 pound gorilla onto the stage. It jumps on top of the chess board and takes a huge dump and then starts throwing all the chess pieces into the audience and rips both the players heads off. Thats how disruptive ice walls are to pvp game play. The dragon breath LOS is worse, but I don’t even think I can come up with an analogy to explain that level of stupid; I’d have to think about it for a while.

Also… You’ve got newb mages on your own team that throw them up right when everyone’s popped cools at the start of a team fight. It’s simply WAY too much power for a single player to have. One nub can ruin the team fight for 39 other players (their own teammates)… its ridiculous.


Mage icewall should require a doctorate in physics before you can take the talent.

So many mages just spamming Icewall everywhere but where it’s helpful.
I don’t know how many times I’ve had an Ally Icewall off our RH push in AV.

Or a horde Icewall off DB bridge push just for us all to get RoP’d off as soon as it drops.
Or Icewall off the the FC from the rest of the team in WSG Tunnel w/ 2-3 melee on them.

Or Icewall – Auugghh. Icewall will be the end of me, I swear.

LOL I just posted this on another thread.

Remove Icewall!


It’s honestly fine outside of when it’s used to enable the fast cap cheeseball specs in blitz like outlaw or fury (especially with dragon for time spiral).

Being 80 yards away from a rogue on the flag at waterworks in a bomb with cloak up while a mage drops a wall is just aaaaaaaaa :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


Right and that’s also bad… You’ve got newb mages on your own team that throw them up right when everyone’s popped cools at the start of a team fight. It’s simply WAY too much power for a single player to have. One nub can ruin the team fight for 39 other players (their own teammates)… its ridiculous.

Griefers getting griefed—classic.


Dear mages, you should use your ice wall to separate enemy healers from their dps, you have to go in front lines and throw your icewall behind the enemy.

You’re saying I should gear up my mage? alright

Bring 20 mages, build an ice castle.


They’re great when cleverly used for Blitz caps.

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Petition to change Landslide into an earth wall to give Evoker more utility.


I cannot think of a single time where there was a dragon breath or ice wall where I thought to myself “wow, that actually aided me in what I was trying to do”. Troll ability that garbage human beings use.


I usually say it when the other teams mages put down a terrible Ice Wall for their team, but a great one for us. It’s rare but it can happen…

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Nah bro, Dragon thing is 100 times more annoying. You can at least break or get around ice wall and it has a cast time.

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Mate, you can literally walk through the Divide and Conquer “wall.” And it lasts 6 seconds vs Ice Wall’s 15.

I’m a caster.
You can burst a ice wall down in like 3 seconds

most mages use it so terribly, that even Jaina would be proud

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from what i understand, icewall is now part of the rotation or using it adds in increasing DPS, which is why every frost mage is dropping it on cooldown all of a sudden.



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I humbly present Shadow Rift for your consideration too. Silly op in epics as well. Ice Wall def takes takes the cake for most annoying spell tho… especially, for ie, when a mage griefs the whole team @ the starting gate in AV.

You cant cast it inside the gate tho…