[Ice Nova / Ring of Frost] choice node

Since there hasn’t been anything about Frost yet, could we at least get changes in this regard? As mentioned several times by now, Ice Nova is a throughput node for Frost but can easily be ignored for both Arcane and Fire, so all this choice node accomplishes is denying Frost the Ring of Frost spell. Please separate these two spells again, and if it’s absolutely necessary to have one of them in a choice node, make Ring of Frost a choice against Mass Polymorph since both spells accomplish a similar objective and are even on the CC diminishing return.

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Ice Nova should be baselined to frost mages.


Also a good change.

Could be decent, but keeping Ice Nova in general tree is better. In TWW even Fire and Arcane can potentially benefit from Ice Nova like keeping enemies in range for Frostfire’s Comet Storm + Meteor and Sunfury’s Glorious Incandescence Meteorites fall.

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I just don’t think there are the points.

Mages have too many 2 pt talents in the tree and you’re already committed to either time anomaly+ mass barrier or time anomaly+ice cold.

I wish they would trim down some talents to 1 point and remove those annoying talents for haste and crit that just remove utility choice.

The talents for barrier on blink are also woefully undertuned after the nerfs and not worth the investment.

Slow should be baked into arcane blast as it used to be available with a glyph, it will never be taken.

It will be taken by Frost along with Ice Nova, like it used to before this change, even if situationally. In PvP this is a much bigger nerf though, but it still deprives the spec of a utility spell for no reason.