For my Hunter. I have Dwarven Hand Cannon and Lord Alexander axe right now.
Mmmm k. 10 char
Barberous Blade is good.
AV isn’t out yet and you won’t get it for awhile since your queues will be atrocious. You’re also gonna have a bad time getting honor farmed on the bridge.
Did he ask when AV came out? or how long the queues would be? TRY ANSWERING THE QUESTION…freakin know-it-all. That wasnt what he asked and nobody gives a crap about your worthless opinion.
To the OP:
Since reading comprehension doesnt seem to be this guys strong suit…Ill answer the question for you.
You will want to go with the spear. The gun is your BIS until Rok’delar. BUT Barbauros Blade is better.
<3 10charekt
All baseless speculation. Cool.
Bloodseeker should be an auto-pick for a hunter pre-lhok imo.
what will queue times be exactly?
Nobody knows, right?
The Hunter’s most important item is their ranged weapon, so that is ALWAYS first priority. Everything else is mostly just stat boosts as you shouldn’t be in melee range very often. If you can get a ranged weapon upgrade, go for it.
Personally, I think the Bloodseeker is better than Dwarven HC (I’m sure some will disagree) because it hits harder (slower rof) and it has +14ap with the +7 agility (too bad the +7 strength is useless). DHC is same DPS but faster rof and a chance at hurling a fireball that doesn’t seem to hit very hard.
Also, I really cannot stand hearing the gun go off hundreds or thousands of times a day.