ICC/RDF release date?

Anyone know when about the update will come out? I keep hearing it will be at the end of the month and also mid October and also at the end of December. I cant seem to get a clear answer :frowning:

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Because there ain’t one.

I’m not sure, but I wonder if anyone remembers whether Joyous Journeys ended the day before P2 and P3 released, or prior to that.

There is no release date, but ICC is on the PTR. I think Ulduar was 6 weeks on PTR before release, and ToGC was 4 weeks on PTR before release.

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ah ok. i know they are on the ptr but didnt know how long they usually dragged on for. couldnt imagine they will keep it there for 2-3 months lol

the previous joyous journey’s also said an end date when they posted from what i have seen on it the post there was no date mentioned and only says icecrown citadel content or until further notice.

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Joyous Journeys is until the end of the xpac this time.

ICC will probably open October 5 or October 13 if they mimic what they did for previous raids… You’ll know for sure when they annonce the end of the pvp season.

What could push it back is the group finder, looks like it’s buggy on the PTR from what I read.

Considering other PTR’s I’d say 1-2 months.

Best case speculation is mid October

So far ICC has been pretty buggy. We spotted a few things that were working before that were broken this go around. I hear about other reports. I wouldn’t be shocked if this one takes a full 6-8 weeks to iron out. Bosses are doing more then just standing in the middle of the room going “boo” once in a while.

great so that means the patch is ready to go.
bring out the dungeon finder babyyy

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I lol’d

well blizzard usually open raids for test twice then ~3weeks later they release it on live So I expect P4 to come 10October and icc open 12October

I don’t think they’ve given an end date for jj, and they said it will continue into icc, so it’s not going to end with the icc patch.

Nothing would make me happier, I for one dont live to raid on the PTR like a lot of people in my guild do… “oh boys guys we might make the top 20 on the 3rd party websites ranking for our guild rank instead of top 25 if we put in serious work!!” concepts is just silly af for me. They are lucky I just liked them.

GG this was the 3rd time i guess exact date for release in classic :smiley:


is cata coming by Feb 2024?

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