ICC raid id reset [Wotlk Classic] - Can we reclear?

Many people had their ICC raid id reset from Tuesday today on Wotlk Classic, wanted to know if we were free to reclear again as many people including me wanted to do more progression this week but had their id reset.

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No one in Customer Support would know or have any input in this.

If your raid ID has reset, you’ll have to re-clear because Blizzard doesn’t intervene.


I would have them report it in the Bug Forum? But as Sniperorc said, staff is absolutely hands off with Raid IDs. If something happened on their end that reset them and everything is back up for those players? I’d say have at it. Can’t say that I’ve actually seen that happen before.


People want to know if they’ll be suspended for re-clearing to get to their progression fights they expected to work on today. I’m going to be re-clearing with my guild tonight. I do not expect to be suspended, but it would be an incredibly simple thing for whoever is responsible for those types of suspensions to spend 30 seconds making a post to inform the playerbase.

This is Classic WoTLK, so re-clearing provides an extra reset worth of loot. The lockout reset was something on Blizzard’s end because it seems like everyone who raided yesterday has their lockout reset.


It got moved to bug report, but this isn’t a bug report post. I wanted to know on the policy side where this issue stand.

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Vrakthris was writing up a response until it got moved, unfortunate. My guild has people arguing about whether or not we should raid.

It is a known bug, but as far as I am aware it is not something that you can trigger. If you were repeatedly running a raid over and over again, that might be an issue. Just running it again since it reset? That shouldn’t be an issue.

It isn’t as easy as you might imagine.

To start, those who might be directly involved in investigating bug exploitation don’t have forum training or account permissions to post. It isn’t something that everyone in the company gets, they are very specific roles.

Generally speaking, anyone in any department not directly involved in posting on the forums would likely not have the time either to provide the answer to any number of questions that we might see here. :slight_smile:


I was also pinging folks to get more insight and it was moved while I was waiting. I figured I’d wait to see if I could get some info before moving it back and posting. :smiley:


Thanks for the info Vrak. I didn’t mean to come off as brash, we just had raid time approaching and people in guild panicking.



Any update on this? My guild is on Heroic Lich King progression and we’re having to reclear to get to him… last thing we want to do is get banned but we’re trying to finish off the expansion, the loot is really not that big of a deal for us. Our ID has been reset twice now…

An update different from what I’ve already provided?


Nope, I misread your reply that you were looking for more info - but I see now you meant before replying. Thanks Vrak! Have a good weekend! <3