ICC portal to lich king bugged?

trying to get invincible to drop even tho ill never get it , but the portal up to the frozen throne is bugged and you just fall to your death. please compensate with invincible mount. ty.

All the portals are @$&)ed rn :joy::joy::joy:


Go outside of the instance and back in, then port up

its bugged atm

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ahhh so this answers my question “i wonder if this go fixed during the maintenance”

this has been happening since last week.
people are trying different method to not fall off… some say jump in the portal. some say use toy like Whispers of Ral’Vosh before entering the portal, use levitate before entering the portal. that also didnt work. (damn cant post screenshot since still not allowed to post links)

some say use heroic leap as soon as they enter the portal…

all the suggestion are hit or miss. i got lucky twice (out of 5x yeah i got lots of alts.) i spam spells that are instant racial abilities, heroic shout and not fall off.

some suggestions on reddit. search my post ICC Frozen Throne bug ? falling off the map/floor on r r/wow since i still cant post links here.

Yeah, I noticed it broke a few days ago and had to use my Dal hearthstone. Ironically the same day Invincible finally dropped after 15 years. I just figured it was the game telling me to go ride my new mount :rofl: :rofl:

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you lucky… i wish i had that problem. LOL!

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Thank you! That worked for me :slight_smile:

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