ICC Heroic 25 issue

I had my raid setting to Mythic, entered ICC, killed the first boss, received and achievement for normal ICC 10. I then left the raid, put the raid setting to Normal 10, then back to mythic where it defaulted to ICC Heroic 25. (If I have the raid setting to mythic, it usually defaults to the hardest difficulty)

Now I cannot enter ICC. I receive a message stating: You are ineligible to participate in at least one encounter in the instance because you are already locked to an instance in which it has been defeated.

Even though I killed the boss on the easiest difficulty, I should not be locked from harder difficulties. BUT if that is the case, I should STILL be able to enter with the defeated bosses DEAD.

Please either remove the lock from this character or make it to where I can enter ICC Heroic 25.

Thank you for your time.

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AFAIK ICC doesn’t have a mythic option.


That’s how lockouts worked back then. If you have feedback to want that changed, then you’d want to use the in game suggestion tool in the support window.

That isn’t something this forum can do. I don’t think the GMs can do that either, as it’s coded into the game.


If you have your difficulty setting to Mythic difficulty, the raid will usually default to the highest setting it has, in the case of ICC it would have defaulted to Heroic 25.


Wrong on how lockouts work, a lockout does not prevent you from re-entering after any boss is dead, it prevents you from either killing or receiving loot from said boss.

The forum is a Customer Service forum, not general forums.

Please read the support article I linked.

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There are no GMs on the forums at all. Doesn’t matter which forum you choose. That said, Sendryn is 100% correct. It’s not something that a GM would be able to help with anyway. If it says that you are locked out, you don’t have a choice but to wait until the next reset to try again.


As I stated before, A lock out does not prevent someone from re-entering, it prevents one from getting loot/re-killing a boss.

Raid locks are inviolate. GMs are hands off no matter if it’s one boss or the entire raid, no matter the reason. And for ICC, that is working as intended per their article on the subject.

Incorrect. It is Customer Support. A forum for players to assist other players. It is not Customer Service.

Or, at least it was. Until your thread was force moved over to the appropriate forum.


Boss-based Lockouts

  • Your character can enter different raid instances, but cannot enter any instance where a boss they’ve already killed is still alive.
  • This is tracked across both raid size and raid difficulty.
    • Example: If you defeat Lord Marrowgar on 10-player, you cannot zone into a different player’s instance where he is not defeated, whether that instance is 10-player or 25-player, Normal or Heroic.
  • You can switch between Normal or Heroic difficulty for individual bosses.
    • Note: The final boss of each raid can only be challenged on Heroic difficulty if all previous bosses have been defeated on Heroic difficulty in that week.
  • This was the primary lockout system for Wrath of the Lich King through Mists of Pandaria.
    • Example: Icecrown Citadel

The forum is Customer Support, which is a peer to peer help desk with assistance from SFAs, who are not GMs.


This is where the issue lies: as per Strict instance-based lockout:

  • Progress is tied to a fixed instance ID. Once tied to an instance ID, you may not enter any other versions of that raid of that difficulty until your raid lock resets.

I was locked out of NORMAL difficulty, which means I should be able to enter HEROIC Difficulty, unless my English is misleading.

On top of that, I only killed 1 boss of the 13 bosses.

I linked the heroic guidelines, which was my mistake. From the normal guidelines for WotLK raids:

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Correct, it does not. The first raid with a “Mythic” setting was Siege of Orgrimmar in Pandaria, and mythic wasn’t retrofitted to older raids. As mentioned earlier, if you enter a pre-Mythic raid with your raid preferences set to “Mythic”, you’ll get Heroic.

Kyzera quoted the relevant lockout rules that apply to ICC, and it appears that the behavior OP is complaining about is perfectly in line with that documentation, so things are working as intended.

Since this thread has been moved to a non-Support forum, I guess the original post constitutes a feature request to update lockout rules (especially for older raids). But that won’t happen before the raid lockout expires and OP can run the raid again with a fresh lockout, and choose the one difficulty they genuinely prefer, because for now that’s the only one they get week to week.


Yes, on normal Difficulty the Fexeable boss-based lockout applies, to normal. I am attempting to enter it on heroic difficulty which uses Strict instance-based lockout.

If you feel it was a bug, please report it in the Bug Reports forum.

But it still stands that there isn’t anything a GM can do for you. They just do not touch instance locks, period. Whether it’s a glitch on their end or working as it’s intending to work - raid locks are one of the few things they don’t change their stance on for any reason at all.


As I posted earlier, ICC is boss-based, not instance based.

My apologies and thank you!

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You’re welcome.

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