IB4 it happens - M0 loot should be on the final boss

There is room to exploit this and leave the dungeon when it is out.

Game devs should kindly put the loot at the final

Here is the situation :

If a player runs all the zeros every day starting tomorrow until next Monday. If he gets every pc but is missing that one BIS pc.

What makes you think he will stay and not leave.

This situation can arrive sooner if a player is lucky with his BIS items.

Most have levelled multiple alts and will be in rush to gear. The chances of player leaving is more than likely if he is geared and did not get his item.

It would only be healthy if the loot was set at the final boss.

I am assuming this is going to happen and farmed this way.


Alright Luuba, you win this time

What they are about to do is implement deserter debuff. M0 and Heroic loot issue would be gone when M+ comes.

So, that people won’t leave immediately after the Ara-Kara, City of Echoes, Avanoxx? I agree.

Ah yes. Another topic, just what we needed.

I find your name comical

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The loot system for individual bosses dropping gear has been the same in standard dungeons since the beginning of WoW. It’s not changing no matter how much you whine about it.

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Doubt they’re going to put in any effort to fix something that will be an issue for a whole week.

I thought the ara-kara stuff was just people overreacting, but I’ve experienced it several times, some even with the tank and healer leaving cause they qued together. Its incredibly annoying and I havent seen this type of behavior personally up until now. Is this a cultural shift?

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I suspect most players who care about their gear are going to unlock T8 delves tomorrow, and use their bountiful keys. Champion track gear EoD, w/ Hero track waiting in the first vault. By that time, M+ will open and M0 will remain where it always ends up during seasonal content.

After the first week the person in your example will never run m0 again on that toon.

  1. Honestly, it’s a non-issue
  2. Be careful who you pug with

LFD is a different kettle of fish as it’s random people being thrown together. Here, the groups are hand picked.

It’s always been a thing, but more casual players focusing on sims and stuff hasn’t conventionally been the norm. Larger demographic of people are caring about min/max than they really should (or need) to be doing is artificially inflating the value of the gear pieces.

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Leaving the dungeon is an exploit?

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Nah, been this way for ages. Any time they put some sort of BIS/desired item on one of the first bosses people will dip.

Happens in PUG raids too. Same deal.

Let’s take an average wow enthusiast who does M0 dungeon while trying to do his dailies and regular wow stuff.

He will most likely at best - get only 3 dungeons of zeroes in.

In comparison to let’s say a sweat like me. Who will grind out all the dungeons everyday till next reset.

How long do you think it will take an average player to get a full set and start doing keys.

We both know how it ends for the average players.

Hence IB4 it happens. Putting loot at the end should not hurt anyone.

I have tanked Heroic Ara-Kara what feels like 50 times on two characters to get the sacbrood. It’s happened a handful of times where people leave after the first boss, but most of the time people just hang tight since it is a really short dungeon. It helps if the tank has a good route and rhythm so it feels like it will be a fast group.