I wouldn't mind summons as much if they were customizable

Warlocks have a ton of pets with different skin options (plus their green fire thingy). Hunters have a lot of different pets. And then there’s monk, where i can’t even change the visual effect of the Yu’lon cooldown to use different kinds of cloud serpents. What if I want a red Yu’lon! That’d be cool.

It’s been years and we’ve gotten nothing -_- Shamans got reworked ascendancy models (and then a second time because, iirc, people thought the first one looked awful?). Wtb more monk customization.

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While I agree that customization is great to add, we’re in a little bit of a different summoning situation than the other classes you’ve listed. The thing about monks is we’re summoning avatars of the celestials themselves, which have specific appearances. Shamans and warlocks are summoning random elementals and demons. They can customize theirs because Rafflesniz the imp has no set appearance as to how it should look. Yu’lon does.

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