I would really dig having a "barbershop" being added to Classic (or at least SoD)

Not a deal-breaker, obviously, but it would be nice to be able to fine-tune your appearance. I pretty much played a Human Male exclusively until the WoD model revamps, so I already have a good feel for which appearance options I tend to like. But when playing around with other races or female characters, I’m pretty indecisive. Already, I’ve ended up re-rolling a couple of “bank alts”, because I’m like “hmm, I dunno, maybe I’d prefer that other face?” or little stuff like that.

I can respect if some people would rather keep that completely outside of Classic, keeping it completely as-is. Although, if the whole “world buff” meta was embraced by adding items to preserve those, I would think a barbershop wouldn’t be crazy

But at the very least, I feel like it would be a great addition to SoD, as it’s just a means of ensuring players really dig their character, and can fine-tune options if they’re unhappy with something.

My two cents!

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This is exactly why I’m afraid of any changes to Classic Era. No barbershop plz. Just leave Era alone and make all the changes in the other 6 flavors of wow.

Preserve the game for its flaws and all! I’d love to change my beard up periodically, sure, but if they added this to Era… I don’t see them stopping with little changes here and there.

What’s next, race change, faction change, instant flight paths, summoning stones, RDF, wow tokens…

Suddenly there’s no way to play the original game without going to pservers.

I don’t want to play Classic Era QoL edition!

I just want the game as close to 2006 as they will keep it. And while I’m a no change purist, I understand they have had to make changes. If it were up to be we’d revert those. But alas… the bar should be high to incorporate them. Not “I wish I could style my beard different today” or “I wish I didn’t pick this ugly face”


Yeah. You have all that other stuff in other versions. I’d prefer Cata Classic/Retail if they removed the automation, the barber shops, the catch up mechanics, etc. (and SoD, too).

Don’t add all the junk to Classic if you want to cater to the people who don’t like those things, and if you don’t want to, then why even have multiple versions?


That’s fair.

It’s funny, having played retail since launch, how different Classic actually feels without all these quality-of-life features and whatnot.

Like I said, totally not a deal-breaker, and if others feel passionately that it shouldn’t be added, that’s fine too. Might be nice for SoD, since that’s kind of all about crazy new additions and remixes on things.

Agreed. One little change would lead to an avalanche of changes, and then classic era would be gone.

We see this when they removed Tarren Mill Forge and now people want an alliance version of rend. Slippery slope is real.

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No, my orc is balding and he has to accept that.

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Something worth mentioning is that WoW Classic allows you to re-organize your character list, which is a function that wasn’t added until many, many years later (I want to say maybe MoP?).

So I dunno, I still feel like being able to adjust that stuff would be nice. Particular given how much investment goes into your character, it would be nice to be able to say “actually this hair style looks cooler with this set of gear”.

Like I said, certainly not the end of the world. Just something I know I would dig.

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