I would love to see the Kelfin playable at some point

I disagree, they can breathe underwater.

It’d be silly to just add customizations. They need the racials for being a subspecies. All of the elf ARs could have easily been customizations, the Highmountain Tauren? At least Kelflins have a good reason. Physiology.


I am always in favor of added effort and more fleshed out design. Thats all these guys needed to be regarded as an excellent allied race.

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They’re too much like regular Goblins. Put fins on Goblins and there you go. It isn’t enough. If they’d at least changed their appearance more then yeah. Maybe have the fins enlarge underwater and their leg change to a fish tail like a mermaid. Something, anything. But then we have so little underwater content that it really wouldn’t make a difference.

I totally agree! Give Horde Vulpera and Kelfin, then give Sethrak (to go with the vulpera) and give Ankoan (for the kelfin) to the alliance! I just want Sethrak god damnit but instead we got diaper gnomes.

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I just want Sethrak

With the removal of allied race slots, there could be some hope though.

They’re too much like regular Goblins.

To be fair though. It could also be argued that Vulpera should have been a core race instead. There is many ways to look at this. However I think a better way too look at this is by suggesting improvements for the race, because I really think that race easily could have been one of the most popular allied races if:

They had effort put into them like this. And even this could be improved in many ways. Take not of the good use of bioluminescence.

But then we have so little underwater content that it really wouldn’t make a difference.

The seas of Azeroth are vast. Very vast in fact. Almost ever expansion in fact has had some kind of underwater content. For example:

  1. Wrath of the Lich king has icey waters and this zone of which you had to explore that was on an isolated mountain.

  2. Burning Crusade and the Underbog and some lovecraftian sort of monstrousities that had to be fought as well as a naga prescence in some areas.

  3. Classic was pretty much just Azeroth zones and we know that there is all kinds of water zones across Azeroth.

  4. Cata is an easy one. There was Vasjhir, the goblin starting zone with those tropical islands I could go on and on this with one.

  5. MOP had so many underwater places to explore. Particularly the island of thunder and many of the treasures often found in underwater areas.

  6. WOD. There was lakes of fel in tanaan jungle were you could fish for fel frenzies, many treasures found underwater. Pinchwhistle point. I could go on and on with this one again.

  7. Legion had fel naga, many quests that brought you underwater and such. There was even an underwater boss in TOS.

  8. BFA of course stands out here.

We face Azshara in her realm. There is pirates, lost cities. Its basically the pirates of the Caribbean expansion.

then give Sethrak (to go with the vulpera) and give Ankoan (for the kelfin

Jinyu and sethrak also would pair nicely together for a same side faction group.

The Highmountain Tauren literally just got horns, and paints.

Gilblins will need new skins, new hair, gills, fins. And racials, bc physiologically they are different.

Not to mention a good portion of the Kelfin dialogue has it hinting that they want to join the Horde. The NPCs stand on the beach of Bladefist Bay.


Jinyu/Hozen. Gotta have Hozen if we get Jinyu. They chomped at the bit to join the factions in MoP.


Meh. I think there are much more important races that should be added first. If any.

That being races that fit the theme of the expansion.

Yes, Kelfin and Ankoan should have been allied races by now.

It is a pity they aren’t.


That is why I always said that Highmountain should not have been a new “race” since they’re not. They also should have been just a customization option for Tauren.

Hey I love both those guys! Wish they were AR.


If they’re implemented as an AR, I hope they look a lot like your models the females are sooo cute.

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Blizzard has gone on record saying that during the development stage of making wow assets, they look at fan art for ideas and inspiration. Hopefully they notice some of the model edits I’ve done.


Now that the High Elves have been sorta added to the Void Elves (at least for RP if nothing else) Makes me feel like Kelfin might be more possible at least as a customization though I still prefer an AR.


If they actually design the model well and really put some love into it like I did with these model edits, I might be satisfied with that. However I would also love to see further extended lore with them and future interactions with them and the horde. There is many things people want when they ask for allied races.

I’ll throw my hat in. Hope for gilgobs.


Kelfin with little bio-luminescent spots and such. Bioglow eyes. Could be really nice.



This parallels the quest in Kezan when you free the minds of goblin workers and those 3 goblin associates you have. Interesting how similar yet different the gilblins and goblins are.