I would like templates back

still, its heroic raid ilvl from random battlegrounds and even war mode assaults.

probably the best way to fix the gear disparity would be to nerf the ilvl given in M+ as that seems to be the stand out for ilvl. i know a lot of raiders who do mythics to gear up for raiding similar to players running mythics to gear up for pvp.

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I don’t think you gotta nerf PvE gearing to make PvP gearing feel better. I have no problem doing arenas or rbg’s to grind out conquest (like i did in mop, wod, cata) so long as im not required to be a certain rating to get gear.

Taking conquest out of the mindless content should be enough to justify PvP gear getting an ilvl increase. A good PvP gearing system makes it so PvP-only players never feel the need to do any PvE content to be optimal in PvP.

You know, I feel the same way… I kinda liked the templates. Everybody said they hated them though, and I don’t really know why.

the ilvls in my post were orbitrary.
The thing is, if you do not make gear from PvP be the same ilvl as raiding or have affixes for PvP it would always be easier to get gear from raid.

I also think that 15 ilvl between raid difficulties is too much as well.

I liked how pvp gearing was in Cata. if they go back to that and add Resilience back I dont even care for ilvl. I just want to PvP to get PvP gear, not PvE.

Also templates were a mistake and Epstein didn’t kill himself.

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This is like saying template pve because people aren’t adept or can’t pull their weight. Even FFXIV is templated on a lot of stuff, especially skills to make it “fair” for people and it sucks. DRs for 10 seconds after one Crowd Control and no way to make true plays while you have bards (like a hunter) that just run around and dunk faces off.

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