I would like templates back

Yeah, I was originally pretty excited for scaling. When pre-120’s were actually giving 120’s a run for their money when BfA first launched, I thought it was pretty good.

The scaling now doesn’t seem as generous as templates were in legion (10 ilevels = 1% increase to base stats). It works as you describe but to a much lesser extent than it did… or so it feels. There isn’t a whole lot of transparency on the system now.


My geared dh at the end of legion felt more powerful that my geared ret does right now so I disagree. I remember watching Tribbie hitting 120 in heirlooms and at 74k hp queue 3s with myself and Freddy and him survive til dampening. If that was Legion he wouldve been dead in the first 30 seconds.

That’s encouraging lol that sounds like a good system to me but that hasn’t really been my anecdotal experience. Even healers don’t feel particularly difficult to overcome if their gear level sits beneath a certain threshold now.

Anyone around ilevel 420 with some level 2-3 essences feels like a reasonable enough challenge though and getting that gear shouldn’t take long.

I think a lot of times, especially in random bgs, item level = familiarity of your class.

That doesn’t apply all the time obviously. Tribbie was the exception since he’s an awesome healer plus I think he healed his way to 120 through bgs on that alt.

The problem is no one really knows how it works right now. In some cases you feel okay and other cases you’re getting blown up. I’m not even confident that Blizz knows exactly wtf is going on with the current attempt at scaling.

The truth is that it’s probably riddled with bugs and because we have no clear indicator of what it should be, we can’t call them out on it.


its probably also the source of all the lag in 40 man bgs lately, you have the server trying to calculate AoE and quadratic AoE while also calculating scaling on 80 players. i’d be willing to bet that if scaling was disabled or everyone was scaled to the exact same ilvl when entering the bg(essentially templates with custom stats), the lag would magically disappear.


sadly it may never return

  • we had it once
    -we cried about it
  • they took it back
  • now we cry again

to blizzard we r basically a big bunch of babies


Personally, I loved templates, as an altoholic with limited time ( or rather easily distracted ), the Legion system was perfect for me.
Probably in minority here, I can see why people would want the gear to matter,
but I dont agree it’s healthy in a long run in BGs where initial variables should be as close to equal as possible…
I still run some epics from time to time, but not much else - perhaps it’s more of BFA burnout altogether.

No thanks.

templates devalue rewards from PvP.
If you want templated gameplay go play Call of Duty, or whatever, this is an MMORPG…

The reason PvP gearing is sucky right now, is lack of vendors.
In perfect world, we would have a vendor where you could buy

  • Normal raid ilvl pieces within a day or two (say honor from BGs, or some other currency)

  • Heroic ilvl would be available to buy at say 1200, limited by weekly currency cap

  • Mythic ilvl would be available as so:
    1400: bracers, belt, rings
    1550: pants, boots, gloves
    1650: cloak, chestpiece
    1750: shoulders and helm
    1900: trinkets
    2000: weapon

or something of sorts.

this way, you would have A PLAYER AGENCY to get into PvP without needing to do any other content in the game. with 415-430 ilvl (in current tier) you should have no issue.

P.S. at 430 ilvl you yourself should have 320-350k hp. given, that your neck is leveled

I think PVP gear would be a nice thing to bring back. That way, the effectiveness of the gear can act as the Template, and it’s something that Blizzard can tweak when necessary.

Against PvE-geared players, it’s difficult to tell if PvP scaling is actually enabled.

Templates were a huge mistake. It is not fun getting one-shot in wpvp. I was very often dead before I even knew I was being attacked.

Nope, only reason not having templates sucks rn is because there’s no PvP vendor and no special stat or effect to make PvP gear better or equal to PvE gear in PvP.

templates were not active in wpvp. the devs essentially let wpvp be unbalanced during legion.

Tieing gear to rating sucks. I don’t want to go through the process of finding compatible players, being forced to get a healer past a certain rating, sitting through 15 minute dampeners because of healdps vs healdps. Didn’t have to do that in cata, MoP, and WoD. Weekly conquest cap was much better. 2.2k or 2.4k players can get elite gear which would be 5-10 ilvl higher than conquest gear, like in MoP.

you can get elite gear at 1800 now.

Elite gear in the past few expansions are just for appearance. The elite gear im talking about was actually useful.

at 1800 your weekly chest drops 435 ilvl loot. not to mention that 10 weeks into the season the conquest cap offers 430, if you are capping every week then by mid-end season you will have a full 430+ ilvl even without doing rated.

That’s pretty bad in comparison to gearing in PvE. You can +1 any given 10 key by about week 3 into a new tier, so that’s 430 with 3 440 pieces already. By 10 weeks a PvP only player is just hitting 430 while a PvE only player is low 440’s. Not to mention you get less azerite from being a PvP-only player.

Compare this to WoD’s gearing system where PvP gear was buyable and equal to mythic raid gear when engaged in PvP combat and you can see that it’s a straight downgrade.