I Would Have Done The Dark Ranger Hero Spec Differently

First of all, I would call it Ranger, not Dark Ranger.

But I wouldn’t throw the Dark Ranger away though. I would place a choice Talent at the start with the talents “Dark Ranger” and “Forest Ranger”.

If you pick Dark Ranger, you get Black Arrow, it does Shadow Damage and it summons Skeleton Dogs. If you pick Forest Ranger, you get Green Arrow, it does Nature Damage and it summons Spirit Dogs.

This way we get both types of Ranger, not just Dark ones.


Personally I always wanted to be the Green Ranger.


Cool idea, I like it


I would like a way to play a hunter that is entirely unrelated to pets. I like MM but think you shouldn’t have any spells or bonuses tied to your pet if you choose lone wolf (lust, intimidate, movement speed or health pool boosts, 10% base leech, mend pet should turn into something that mends you, etc). I’d also like a lone wolf version of SV, the closest seems to be outlaw rogue but they don’t throw bombs or fling out traps and the theme doesn’t really do it for me. Beast mastery should have pets obviously. lol


Seems like an opportunity to just add those spell aesthetics options as glyphs.

Hero talents should determine playstyle, glyphs should determine aesthetic.

Just allow the ability to slot in glyphs into abilities that are not just active abilities.

Or in this case, the glyph would slot into Black Arrow and would change both black arrow and the proc summon pets.


So already removing the archetype the Hero Talent specialization is based on…

Not removing, adding.

Every Dark Ranger is a Ranger, but not every Ranger is a Dark Ranger.

The way it’s going to be you only get Dark Rangers.

The way I would do it, you get both.

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You’re literally removing the Dark Ranger from the Dark Ranger archetype…

That’s the whole point of Hero Talents…


Play a different Hero Talent specialization then.

There’s no “non-Dark Ranger” Hero Spec.

That’s the point.

I’m not. Read the OP.

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There’s three Hero Talent specializations per class on average (four for Druid and two for Demon Hunter), with two being available to per specialization.

And none of them is “Non-Dark Ranger”.

Literally says right there Sentinel and Pack Leader are the other two Hero Talent specializations for Hunter; those are not Dark Ranger.

They are also not Rangers at all.

A Sentinel is not a Ranger. A Pack Leader is not a Ranger.

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Hunters are Rangers. So you want no Hero Talents. Luckily for you there is already a solution: don’t play The War Within.

Terminally online user looking for an issue where there isn’t one… Can’t believe I wasted my time here.

No, they are not.

If they were, the Class would be called “Ranger”, not “Hunter”.

All Rangers are Hunters, but not all Hunters are Rangers, just like all Dark Rangers are Rangers but not all Rangers are Dark Rangers.

I can’t believe I allowed you to waste my time.

You have twice as many posts as I have lol


Imagine the dragonzord.

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Yeah, there’s already some I’m leaning towards giving a pass because I don’t really like the fantasy.

But why not have variations with different explanations/aesthetics?

Sounds easy enough.

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Don’t mind them, this happens all the time. They 100% don’t get what someone is saying even though it’s quite plain, and then they get inexplicably mad about it and stomp off.

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That’s just called a bm hunter. And it’s called serpent sting.