I would buy the new expansion today if

Why would regular flight be announced when we can already fly?

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By church of blizzard worshippers do you mean those of us who still like the game? Question is, why would anyone else be around?

Wrath through MoP had flying at the start, well you had to get to max level but it was there at the start of the expansion. WoD at the start had zero plans for flying until the players went nuts on blizzard about it. Pathfinder was the " compromise " blizzard came up with.

You can easily go to WoWhead, MMORPG, ICY-Veins, the official siteā€¦

There are MULTIPLE avenues to find news and such for WoW expansions or what is coming up.

I donā€™t really care if you have it or not. There are a lot of people that do. If you donā€™t believe me you can check the tech support forums and Google.

Simple. Hope they make stuff we like again? duh

The note you replied to was takling about how terrible BfA, SL and DF are. If you are unhappy with all those expansions you could get into Linus and the Great Pumpkin territory.

there is no more regular flying.

I donā€™t see it being tied to Pathfinder considering how easy it is to get Dragon Riding in DF.

flying ruined wow though

Thats a lie bro youre literally subbed threatening to not buy the expansion. Youre one of the monkeyā€™s glued to the game.

Flying made world pvp annoying. Thatā€™s about it.