I wonder what percentage of WoW players got fully vaccinated?


GL to Australia with this guy

I do wear a mask. And I’m a wow player, I work (where I wear a mask) and stay home

Getting a vaccine would require leaving the house, which 99% of us on these forums don’t.

That’s not how this vaccine works. You would be correct on older methods of vaccination, but most of the Covid vaccines do not work this way.

The MRNA vaccines are essentially nothing more than a program that tells your body to produce the same protein that covid does.

Covid vaccines are not like polio or small pox in the past which would essentially destroy the virus. Covid vaccines are designed to reduce your risk for hospitalizations. This is why people can still spread it even though they’ve had the vaccine.

This protein production is also what causes most of the bad reactions to the vaccine. Essentially your body is allergic to the protein and because your body has been programmed to produce it causes serious issues. Luckily there are some things to reduce the side affects but currently there is no way to stop the cause.


Thank you.


DR in Australia

That is true, and thus it is recommended that people who do have an allergic reaction to the vaccine do not get a second shot. In those cases, medical exemptions are appropriate – For the vast majority of people, though, it is still advised that you get vaccinated.

Again, to reiterate, all the more better that individuals be responsible. Get checked, stay at home if there are infections in the community, wear a mask, hard lockdowns and contact tracing until all cases in the community are quarantined and controlled. It’s better to starve out and prevent the virus wherever it may appear than it is to wait for a full proof cure. The less people that are out there getting infected, the less likely that more mutant strains like Delta will start popping up that are potentially more virulent and more deadly.

Nope, that’s still the bridge too far.

That’s still the decision that would end Blizzard because it really just is that terrible an idea. People being dumb on the internet does not justify it, especially if your motivation is to have tools by which to doxx people.

I had covid last year, took some labs last month and still have antibodies, not going to get the vaccine. I have the antibodies created by the virus itself not by some guys in a lab.

also there are multiple people that has died due to blood clots after getting vaccinated. Not vaccine for me.


Natural immunity is the best way
 for the majority of us.


You have a “doctor” from Australia who is saying 90% is vaccinated is still not enough to prevent shutdowns

Luckily given time viruses naturally mutate down as far as lethality simply because it essentially works against the viruses own purpose which is to spread and reproduce. Now how long that takes, who knows.

This is actually what we are seeing in the delta variant in that it doesn’t really seem to be as deadly ( at least not more deadly anyways ) but seems to spread much easier. This is why when you see it hit a community its not nearly the rolling build up like we saw with the initial strain but more like an explosion. The community my cousin lives in in Arkansas saw them basically go from zero cases to 700 overnight, and this is not a heavily populated area. It spreads like wildfire.


Companies that don’t require front line employees to be vaccinated are crazy financially. Wouldn’t be surprised if their company health insurance premiums go up next year.

Maybe they figure that they will pass higher costs to workers anyway so it doesn’t matter that much for their bottom line.

I think companies that mandate will see a higher rise in costs, as they will lose employees and will have to pay the same. Though maybe not as their higher paid employees quit, but they will definitely see a reduction in care as they will be desperate to hire just anyone.

Gotta be careful when doing that though. Take where I live. The economy is booming so hard here they can’t find workers. Even pay at convenience stores has risen by $2/hour in the last 6 months and many are now offering bonuses to boot.

If someone doesn’t want to take it you may find yourself severely understaffed in a time when just about every business is understaffed.

You could actually find your competitors doing the opposite just to steal your workers so it’s not just an easy solution either.

This is tough time for all.

One hospital stay in intensive care can run up bills over a million bucks. Do you think the insurance companies or the hospitals, doctors and nurses are going to eat that cost. Heck no.

Might be a grim thing to mention but doctors and nurses putting in overtime are probably going to have another great year for taxable income in 2021.

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I dont get the hate. I seen people going crazy on health officials tonight in Texas over masks in school again. It’s pretty evident we got problems again eventually all this crap is gonna wreck the economy altogether all the free money given hospitals overfilled you can’t just keep rolling along like this thinking hey its gonna be fine.

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I really just don’t see how Covid is any different from any other virus strain that hits the population of the world on a regular basis.

We didn’t have nation wide lock downs for a year plus over swine flu when that came out and caused disasters, we don’t shut down yearly for the flu running it’s regular yearly course through the world.

It just seems weird to me how rushed everything is, how locked down everything is, and how draconian some countries have gotten around a virus that doesn’t seem much different than things we’ve run into before.

It’s already mutating and causing previous vaccines to be significantly less effective against new strains, and it’s going to continue to mutate, just like the Flu.

I don’t understand the hysteria. If immunocompromised people get the Flu they can suffer serious complications and die as well, but we aren’t in a constant state of shut down and suppression mode for the Flu.

Are we gonna continue to shut down over and over again every time the virus decides to mutate? I sure as heck hope not. Covids likely going to be just another illness we’re constantly stuck with until we can find some way to eradicate viruses completely.

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