I wonder what percentage of WoW players got fully vaccinated?

All I was looking for. Thanks again.


I guess you’ll never know. :man_shrugging: :running_man:


truly, how do ppl get so triggered. It’s so freeing when you don’t give a flying :duck: ya’ll.

Or will we…

Vaccines works for the vanilla COVID-19 and Delta variant as well, although to a much lesser extent (efficacy) so I have heard.

In the early stage, it is said that the Delta variant has like over 1000 times more virus strains than the vanilla one, making it a whole lot more contagious.

The current vacc is still good for protection from really severe cases though, just not as good in preventing getting it in the first place.

If your house is on fire, you kinda want the fire department to rush to the scene.

And you call the fire department because they’re the experts at fighting fires.


U kidding?

The first shot was a one sting that can be felt for like 5 mins and the second one is worse, but last for like a day.

What vacc are u talking about?

How are the crocs there? I have always liked Florida, but i am worried about crocs…

Different people have different reactions. For example, every time I got the flu shot in the past, I got deathly sick, but everyone always parroted 'You must have already been sick." When I stopped taking it, I stopped getting sick. Weird how that works, right?

For these vaccines, many people were out of commission for a couple of days. Some people were unaffected, some only got affected by the first shot, some only by the second shot.

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On every corner. If you stop for too long someone will come along and throw a small one in your car.

But, what if only .05% of my house was on fire? What if it wasn’t even smoking or hot? The only way to know my house was on fire was to call in a fire expert and tell me there was a fire.

Would you still call a fire department?

Whataboutisms are fun. Lets keep doing this.


Move the decimal point to the right two spots and subtract 4. And yes, I’d call the fire department.


Noted, I’l keep my window closed for good.

They only exist at the very Southern part of Florida near the keys. Gators are all over, you see a log in a body of water it’s probably a gator and any significant amount of fresh water has a gator or two (or more). They’re scared to death of humans, they were hunted almost to extinction (EDIT: In Florida, not the world) and the ones that survived instinctively were afraid and they passed that on. People feed them sometimes and they overcome their fear so they’re put down.

The crocs in S. FL aren’t afraid, they’re scarier but only exist in a small area.

2 dudes… 1 camera.
(yes I am making a reference to THAT video clip title)

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When I wipe. It doesn’t clean it all. I have to keep wiping. And even when I think it’s clean… when I wipe again to be sure… still not clean. It’s like a marker back there.

I think the vaccine did that to me.

The inference here is that because something is rushed it must mean that it was done incorrectly or is inherently unsafe. That’s not a truism.

The idea that the vaccine was rushed because its development was faster than past vaccines depends on science being static. But science isn’t static. For example, the polio vaccine took longer because they didn’t have the science or the tools we have today such as genome sequencing.


They used to inject horses to make vaccines.

Plus they poured billions and billions of dollars into the acceleration of it.


How much do you know about the pharma biz? It’s not a lot.

Rushed work is crappy. We’re seeing this in relation to deaths and people still popping hot for the 'vid.

keep tossing around word you don’t have a concept of though. 0/2