I wonder what percentage of WoW players got fully vaccinated?

How brave of you to assume they aren’t eco friendly.

Was this some sort of powerplay or an ah ha moment you hoped to achieve? My god leftists are stupid…

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Of course he is. I’m sure he plans to run in 24. And all the anti-vaxx people are his base. Problem is, he probably won’t have the support of independents.

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I got vaccinated. It was sort of a no brainer really. It’s free (I got the Pfizer 2 shot) and the side effects are minimal. I had covid already and it sucked, and I had a friend almost literally die from it.

I mean how many million people have gotten it with practically zero “serious” side effects? It’s really just a matter of percentage.

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Right on. This is the 500th time I’ve seen a response claiming it’s not a vaccine. The definition of vaccine doesn’t seem to have the word virus anywhere in it. Isn’t that strange.

“a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.”

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mRNA is a lot like monoclonal antibodies except you’re making the template for the protein rather than the protein to give an immune response. That tech has existed since the 70s, I believe the first monoclonal antibody was approved in the 90s. There were several submissions for mRNA vaccines, since it’s newer tech the agency proceeds cautiously. I wouldn’t say it’s experimental, more a novel approach using existing technology.

Typical new drug application is 20 years from invention to market, abbreviated applications (generics) are 2 year development cycle. It definitely was rushed but it’s developed tech. I will trust it’s as safe as any other new drug once the FDA approves, still some questions to answer and we don’t want to take risks with a vaccine they want to use for the entire population.

I’m not trying to persuade anyone but I can answer questions. I worked in monoclonal antibodies but as an analytical chemist and I have umpteen years of drug development. I promise I will answer honestly and tell you if I don’t know. It should be an educated choice.


It really does seem to be an odd issue to tie yourself to politically. I mean, there’s enough reason to think that if someone hadn’t completely flubbed the response he might have done better in the election, so why double down on it still? Especially when the way they’re doing it puts more of their supporters at risk.

I’m pro-capitalism, but how brave of you to assume anything based on your ignorance of words and then put it on display for all to see.

This is natural selection in action. This one is too far gone.


Well, maybe someone more open minded will have a similar concern and have a response. Can’t hurt.


Yeah I basically did the same, but to be honest, now that I look back I only did it for a few minutes then forgot. Anyway, thanks for the advice, I’ll try to add some more of those for my next shot.

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So, it’s a rushed vaccine.



Recent study just came out that found Hydroxychloroquine is basically useless for coronavirus. It’s like you are still stuck in 2020.

Glad you watched a video of 2 dudes. I’m sure that was legit.

Considering some of your rhetoric, I predict you’ll be taking a forum vacation before long.


That was my mistake the first time. I totally felt fine so forgot and went about my day. Sore arm. Second time around was much better.

Mine was Pfizer if it matters.

My parents are in the over 75 category and I am not a spring chicken. We had no other side effects at all. I know that is not everyone.

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I got the Moderna. Yeah I’m 34 but can’t remember the last time I was sick. Figured I’d get it since my mom’s immune system is compromised from cancer, even though she’s cured, in remission or whatever it’s called.


I’m old enough to have been born before several of the common vaccines such as measles were available. And my parents grew up with the threat of polio.

I can’t fathom the controversy around these vaccines.

I think we got fortunate that they got developed so quickly because the science was in right place at this time and secondly, that they are amazingly effective compared to what we usually see in a vaccine.

Without them, we could be in a deeply terrible crisis right now.

I’m immune compromised and you can bet I got vaccinated as soon as I could. And I had little side effect beyond a mild headache for an afternoon with the second dose.


I support freedoms: anti-vax rhetoric
I encourage you to get the shot: independents rhetoric

I see this messaging from our Governor too and I have to think they can’t win without both, so they look for ways to speak and appeal to both. Independents in AZ are seeing right through it though.

Independents, at least in AZ, are not very happy with GOP right now. 2024 is a long ways away still, but currently, GOP are killing themselves.

Health shouldn’t be political, but it is and continues to worsen. Remember all the death camp rhetoric back in 2008? Sowing division seems to work on some level and I don’t see it going away anytime soon. All one has to do is look at Facebook, or now, the wow forums to sense the deep divide in our country.


Yes, it was rushed but I’ve worked with the agency long enough to believe earnestly that they won’t bow to political pressure to release a vaccine unless the science is complete (at least as much as any other new drug application). That’s why I counsel caution, but at this point the primary question is effectiveness.

You will always have a segment of the population sensitive to a chemical, maybe had an immune or allergic response at some point so they trigger with the stimulus. I don’t entirely trust CDCs reporting conventions but I do trust that the FDA won’t try to cover up anything that’s causing widespread deaths or serious illness. We’d be getting alerts and recalls.


Me either, but my mom has COPD, I have asthma, and my sis has Lupus (yes for real!). Heh.

None of us are affected day to day really, but were we to get super sick that could be an issue.

Also, just because a virus does not kill you, does not mean you end up ok. Millions were paralyzed or crippled by polio - some on breathing devices for life. Measles causes permanent birth defects. Mumps can cause sterility. COVID can cause nerve damage, blood clots, heart damage, lung damage, and who knows what else.

I might live, but I just don’t want to find out what it can do to me!


I didn’t mean to diminish the value of your response. I appreciated it, personally.

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I wasn’t talking about you. I was worried after I posted that might be unclear but we upvoted each other so I thought you knew. I apologize.