I wonder what percentage of WoW players got fully vaccinated?

Yea, I had some variation of a DVT in the leg. Only bothered the hell out of me after lots of walking.

Had it since I was like 12. Took like 8 years of pestering doctors it was abnormal until I finally got recommended surgery. At first it was the usual story “oh, go stretch it”, “it will go away”. They did the ultrasound, nothing unusual, did CT scan. All based on me verbalizing my symptoms for them to act.

I think the problem is with big muscles like the legs, its either something conventional like muscle soreness/tightness, or something extreme which requires surgery and the doctors are hesitant because surgery is a much more serious treatment than conventional stretching or RICE. I’m also from Canada, so while being fortunate I didn’t have to pay for surgery out of pocket (gets paid for by the taxes), I did have to wait like 3 times longer than the average US citizen.

Not sure if this is making a comparison to trusting the covid vaccine? Hope I’m not misinterpreting you here.

The vaccine effort seems independent of your average family physician. I asked my doctor about the vaccine and she didn’t really have much of an opinion on it.
But my case may be unique here.
The pharmacist who gave me the vaccine had all the knowledge on it.

See a medical doctor and get their opinion. If they agree you shouldn’t get vaccinated, fine don’t.

Medical bills keep coming in still, and most of them want theirs to be paid in full or go to collections, so I am working with the ones that will give me a chance to pay back over time and doing the best I can with those that won’t. Haven’t been to work in 2 1/2 months now and lucky I kept spare cash set aside for stuff like this. So far I have around $10,000 to pay back and the insurance covered the other $150,000 but I still have to not seen the bill for the nurse and the wound vacuum system they put me on when released from the hospital.

No, it wasn’t a comparison to the vaccine, just a observation that all my life doctors try to help, want to help but sometimes they say things or do things that aren’t best for the patient. One time I go, and I have lost 15 pounds since last visit. Doctor says your type 2 is out of control you need to start on insulin. I said ok so me walking 25,000 steps a day for the last 6 months at my new job isn’t helping me control my weight. Nope not at all. So I stopped seeing that doctor for 4 years.

When I first got diagnosed with my auto-immune disease and type 2 diabetes’s, I had a A1C of 9.6. I was prescribed Metformin and told to alter my diet and exercise. 6 months later I went from 220 to 150 pounds and a 9.6 to 4.6, effectively beating my type 2 and the doctor told me you need to put on weight, but no longer need to be on a drug as long as you watch what you eat.

However the doctor that was in charge of my auto-immune disease refused to release me back to work and eventually I was let go from that company. 2 1/2 years out of work and blowing through my entire life savings and 401k just to stay alive not qualifying for any health insurance discounts, even approved and told no now you have to pay back your SNAP benefits because we made a error giving them to you. I eventually stopped seeing the doctor and went back to work not telling my current employer about it.

I’ve worked for my current employer for the last 5 1/2 years and was about to be promoted to salary when this happened and now no idea when I am able to go back or if I have that salary position still available to me. But the store management teams likes me, the market and regional teams like me and they even flew me out to Arkansas to there big share holders meeting in 2018. If that door does truly close I’ll start over again like I always do.

But what will it do to you in 2 years from now? No one knows, no one. The virus has never been isolated so how can a vaccine be made? So what did you get shot in the arm with? They ain’t sayin’.

If you still have questions, talk to a medical doctor. Not the internet. If they say don’t get vaccinated, don’t get vaccinated.


well it stands to reason that world-wide reporting is going to have numbers being submitted at various times… the world is a big place, with multiple time-zones, including some which cross the international dateline.

Just because the data was updated on the same date, doesn’t mean it was the same data, or even full data for that particular date.

These people live in an alternate reality, and are incapable of saying “oh gosh, I had no idea I was so misguided!”
In a healthy mind, humans are capable of establishing that 2 + 2 = 4.

If you’d never learned about colors, and someone told you an orange was actually blue, you wouldn’t know any different.

The vast majority of these people had absolutely no idea about anything related to viruses or the immune system before covid reared its head, and suddenly they’re self-professed experts (who have obtained their “information” from infographics) and when you attempt to correct them, the standard catch-cry is “dO yOuR rEsEaRcH”!!!.. which is kind of hilarious considering how much time the professionals they’re doubting have spent doing their research :upside_down_face:

It’s actually terrifying watching people double down on things which aren’t true, just because someone told them it’s how things work.
…even when they’re presented with basic facts which can be easily verified, they’re incapable of changing their minds, because they’ve already convinced themselves that they know better.

Scary, scary stuff.
It’s exactly how things like the Jonestown massacre happened.
People weren’t smart enough to think for themselves, they just decided that the right thing to do was drink the kool-aid, because someone else told them to.
…and now it’s even worse, because we live in an era where “influencers” exist on a grand scale.

(and now I’ll prove that point… watch the denial begin)

of course it has.


the content list is available to anyone who wants to look.

it’s not some secret Harry Potter potion.


The problem is that you can’t get rid of a virus if people only take the vaccine to protect themselves. That’s how variants are born, that’s how the virus continues to survive and affect other people. People need to understand that getting vaccinated is also about protecting others.

I understand the hesitancy of a lot of people, I really do, but the longer everyone waits, the more time this has to get worse.


:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: i will not be “shamed” into getting something at isn’t a vaccine. A true vaccine had either dead or nearly dead virus strains. not one of these so-called 'VACCINES" have anything resembling the virus. Additionally I’ve enough chemistry and organic chemistry from college to recognize petroleum based chemicals to make me want to go nowhere near any of them. take them if you so desire but do not ever try to force me to take any. I’ll just go ahead and contract the virus, and let my own natural immune system do the job it was intended to do.


To be fair, I vaguely remember an argument you and I had back in early Legion about PvP-flagging areas where you mistakenly got it into your head I was trolling you and did a little doubling down yourself :slight_smile:

I also vaguely remember someone latching on to me over something PVP related, when I’d never actually engaged in the topic they were discussing. (and oddly enough, they couldn’t produce any links to my alleged posts) …ah the fun of having impersonators.

However, I can’t ask you to link me to something which doesn’t exist any more.
…and I’m perfectly capable of admitting when I’m wrong about something, I do it all the time.
There’s no shame in being wrong.

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Eye Juice of Newt
Phlegm of a 101 year old witch that lives in a giant shoe (do you know how hard that is to find?)
Saltine Solution (no not Saline… SALTINE)

You’re right it’s not a secret… any first year student knows this one.
Not even a challenge!

Question… do you argue that Almond Milk, Soy Milk, and Oat Milk are not milk?

As a teacher of mine once put it: if we’re never wrong, we aren’t trying hard enough to learn.


If we are never wrong then we are surrounding ourselves with people too dumb to challenge us.


yes. still trying to figure out how they “milk” an almond. they make good smoothies but that’s roughly it

I am not in any risk groups, am in good health, and have no underlying conditions.

You bet your brass buttons I got fully vaccinated as soon as my age group was allowed.

Polio, mumps, measles, chicken pox, small pox all say “hi” to folks who don’t “believe” in vaccines.


Very carefully… you have to sneak up on it, then before it notices you you rub it’s belly and collect the tears into a glass container.

And that is how Almond Milk is made.


and all of those have some form of the virus to trigger your bodies immune system. this is vaccination science

ahhahahahahahahaha :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

The thing that annoys me the most about this whole argument is that people seem to think that dying is the worst thing that happens with this particular bug.

Look up Kawasaki disease covid. When people say kids aren’t affected as bad… slap them with what you read.