I mean, the whole thing being Primus playing 4d Chess, manipulating Zovaal as the patsie, pretending to be chained up so we’d immediately feel sympathy and pity for him and help regardless of what he asked, would have been amazing.
Zovaal was branded with the Runes of Domination, he should not have been able to resist their effects.
Primus was with us as we reforged the Helm of Domination into the Crown of Will, thereby also gaining resistance to the Runes of Domination and thereby inoculating himself in case we turned on him and tried to bind him in turn.
With Zovaal as his puppet, Denathrius had no idea that the Primus was the real master and, with his ego and pride, would never be able to comprehend why a fellow Eternal One would willingly debase themselves as the ‘Rune Carver’ when they could have simply ruled from the shadows. Denathrius would simply have assumed Zovaal was in charge but unstable, and thus rife to be deposed at the right moment.
And, win or lose, the Primus is the only member of the original Eternal Ones who steps foot in Zerith Mortis. The leaders of Bastion and Ardenweld do not come, the council of Revendreth are too small and weak, and Pelagos becomes the Arbiter but is too trusting of both us and the Eternal Ones to ever question it.
Win or lose, the Primus now knows how to access Zerith Mortis and will inevitably be able to find his way back in some form or fashion, because we know with teleportation magic, even cross-dimensional versions, it doesn’t matter how strong the barriers, if you know where Point A and Point B are, you will inevitably be able to teleport between the two points.
Win or lose, the Primus knows the Words of Domination, has been inoculated against that same magic by our efforts, is beloved by the two remaining original Eternal Ones as their brother and their defender, is revered by his own Covenant and deeply respected as a ‘loyal’ defender of the Shadowlands and a cunning strategist by the Covenant of Revendreth, is the closest to Pelagos by dint of his ‘friendship’ with the young Arbiter and his active participation in the Shadowlands and not just sitting back and going through the motions like the rest, and is considered a friend and ally by the Champions of Azeroth who toppled Zovaal and have been exposed to the greatest mysteries of the First Ones in the process.
I’m still not entirely unconvinced that the Primus was playing the long game and manipulated the whole cascade of events in the Shadowland Expansion to get himself into position. We saw in the Draka short that his agents can teleport to the Material/Mortal Plane. The Engines in Icecrown Citadel are still functional. It took minutes for Zovaal to start to siphon enough Anima from Azeroth’s World Soul to attempt to start to reshape reality, and that was with us beating on his ankles and him having spent days forcing the system to comply.
And Primus was watching everybody, all the time, through those Legendaries he crafted for us, and saw the whole thing.
If the Primus is the real threat, he’s manipulated everything and everyone to get us in there, take out the greatest threats, make sure the whole Shadowlands thinks he’s too perfect to ever make a grab for ultimate power himself, and then politely shooed us out the door, locked it behind us and left himself at the shoulder of a young, inexperienced Arbiter as his greatest advisor and ‘friend’.
We’re gonna hear magical reports that a new hole to the Shadowlands has opened above Icecrown Citadel, small, contained, controlled, there’s Automata and Maldraxxi and dominated Scourge guarding it, and messages from somebody called the Primus telling us to stand by and keep watch over our people, there’s some great threat that slipped out of the Shadowlands, stay close to home, he will let us know when and where to strike.
And then the engines kick in and by this time … Primus’s forces have dug in and we are scattered across Azeroth scouring for this threat on faked reports and take too long to get back into the fight, too late to realise the Primus set us up.
We arrive and find Dominated agents of Revendreth, Ardenweld and Bastion guarding the Engines, which are in turn protected by shields fueled by Azerite itself. We can’t get in and destroy them, so we ride the flow of energy up into the Shadowlands, fight our way to the Zerith Mortis Gate only to find it destroyed, fight our way to Maldraxxus, fine a new Gate there and get to Zerith Mortis, all the while the flow of Azerite just keeps going, fight our way past Dominated Shadowlands natives of all kinds and types, including more dominated Automata, get into the facility, even more enemies, by the time we get to heart of the facility?
Primus salutes us, tells us he wishes he could have brought us into the fold, we are his greatest weapons and champions, snaps his fingers and any of his relics we were trying to use turn to dust and ash, and there’s Zovaal, rebuild and renewed, holding Denathrius’s blade which screams with the twinned outrage of the Sword’s native sentience and Denathrius’s own essence, and commands his ‘brother’ to finish the job this time, as more and more of these Proto-Forms we saw in the Zerith Mortis raid march out of the alcoves, taking the form of the Eternal Ones, of the Titans, of beings we have not yet met, all wielding great and terrible weapons forged by the Primus for this very moment, to stall us as the Installation, gorged on power stolen over the days it took us to re-invade and fight through the Shadowlands to get here, enters its final stage.
Primus knows he can’t stop us, but he is the greatest strategist in the cosmos, and knows it isn’t about overpowering us, but slowing us down and redirecting us. We are a river, no matter what barriers are put before us, we will inevitably flow onwards to the sea. And just as the last of his army of Titans and Eternal Ones and other beings falls to our desperate attempts, as we’re spent, broken and exhausted … the mechanism at the heart of reality pings, the pillars descend, Primus turns to face us and tells us “Well done.”
“In the next cycle, know I will remember you, and make sure you are rewarded as the heroes you are. But this cycle is flawed, and must be remade.” as the whole world goes white, and all fades away into silence …