I won’t be able to play this whole expansion

Looks like they are making glacial the #1 goto in 11.1 and they won’t buff spellslinger.

Big yikes. I have no hope for this game to be rescued.

Let’s see if they have any updates this week. :crossed_fingers:t2:.

I just want to play spellslinger frostbolt and the new frost tree is really badly organized/positioned. It’s like they just pressed a randomize button a few times and picked one they thought looked good for the new talent layout and Wintertide change. :game_die: :game_die:

Really though, PvP is not even a thought for them. They make their changes and are like oh, we just messed it up for PvPers, better update it with a hotfix and leave it alone for another 6 months.

Then play it? Problem solved :roll_eyes:

We spent months wanting to press frost bolt and now that’s the spec and that isn’t good enough :dracthyr_a1:

Sounds like a solid way to waste time you’ll never get back.

fungamesttv located


Big yikes class got nerfed/changed worlds gonna end im quitting wow.

So dramatic.

Frost mage is the most fun it has ever been (since WoD) for me. I enjoy spellslinger in M+, I enjoy Frostfire in PvP.

The only thing on my must-have wish list would be to make alter time not purgeable but it lasts 5 seconds (atm it still makes matchups against purge specs too one sided against the mage, and too one sided against melee when there are no purge specs). Casting frostbolt/frostfire actually matters and it feels great (imo).

I haven’t looked at the upcoming changes but heard poly is getting buffed so as to not break so easily, which is a great change.

I also like having multiple meaningful choices between playing things like Glacial, Ray of Frost, etc.

wheres that one bald guy with his bolt build

Pretty sure OP is he

not a bald female human so nope

ive been t hinking about not being a dragon reecently

This is him.


K, good… Bye.

I’m just a pleb but you know… if you enjoy a certain play style… try it!

your enjoyment > meta or whatever