Going to just leave brewmaster off the list entirely?
As far as caster tanks go, warlocks have tanked a few raid fights before. We also used to have dark apotheosis or whatever it was. Sadly, it seems unlikely to make a comeback.
I mean, technically Druids are neutral, their duty is to nature first and foremost. It just so happens villains usually threaten the sanctity of the natural world, so they often end up joining in the fight.
Man, about a monthish ago I ran an 8-10 with a dude who was like 2800-2900 as BM and just had a total feeling of respect for what a gamer that dude must be.
Really the issue is that monks stagger works in such that if youre not hitting into red then its wasting mastery and haste and makes lower keys feel harder than other tanks in low content.
High keys they feel better and BM scales with gear wonderfully. That and its the only staff wielder who shoulders its weapon like a baseball bat haha.
God now you got me itching to pick it back up…I was a monk main since MoP and was a BrM in mythic SoO and tanked off and on with it through the years.
I had kind of drifted to other classes in SL. I miss the class as a whole.
I actually totally forgot about Brewmaster. I initially loved the idea of Monk Tanks but the whole conjuring a magical keg of ale and then throwing it on mobs kills it for me.