I wish we could get the Mooncat feral

It’s a drag the Fangs of Ashamane Hidden transformation into Moonspirit looks cool I wish they would bring it back from time to time like with the Time-walking Dungeons like you do a certain number of quests to unlock your Artifact’s Hidden Appearance and that’s not just for that one it’s for all of those appearance’s that have been sundered, or you could pay the Heirloom Curator to an item that would allow you to undertake a quest and when you turn it into him, he can make it so you can get your hidden skin I’m not alone in this some of my guildies are disappointed as well

I don’t think bringing back the original one would be a good idea, but I do think a reskin would be fine for that.

That way the originals stay original and the new one is obtainable via mage tower anytime. I assume you mean the cat that is all rainbow like.

no I’m talking about the Moonspirit Hidden Weapon skin for feral druids it makes your character look like one of those owlish cats

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That appearance is still in the game as far as I’m aware. There are wowhead comments talking about finding moonstones in the 9.2.5 patch. It’s just one of the annoying ones to get as there’s a lot of RNG and you have to remember to check each day if you get a screech.

how do u find it??

If you look at some of the top comments on the WoWhead page I linked in my last post, there are pretty good descriptions on how to go about it.

The short version is that when you go to the Dreamway for the first time each day, there is a chance you’ll get an emote about hearing a screech from one of the portals. You can then go to the zone and touch a Moonstone. (The wowhead comments have the various places they can spawn in the zones.) Once you’ve touched the moonstone from Hinterlands, Duskwood, and Feralas when you go back to the Dreamway Ela’Lothen will be there. While in cat form use the /sit next to him and the item for the appearance will pop into your bags.

The most annoying part is the screeches. It’s RNG, so it can take months to have all of them pop up. (And you have to remember to port to the dreamway each day to check, and be paying attention to your emotes to not miss one.)

no i mean the moonstones

They spawn in a random location somewhere in the dragon shrine area of a zone once you’ve heard the screech for that zone. The wowhead comments have coordinates for the various potential spawn points. (There are also several screenshots of them on that post so you can see what you are looking for.)

They can be hard to see. I know it usually took me a bit before I actually was able to spot it. They don’t sparkle/highlight, so you’ve go to keep a close eye out for them. (And the coordinates to check for the spawns help too.)

Wowhead has a lot of information in the comments on how to find the stones.

Also, there are macros that you can use to keep updated on your progress.

According to your armory, you are a 32 level feral. You will need to reach level 45 and probably complete your class hall if this is the character you wish to earn that on.

When you enter the Emerald Dreamway, read your chat window to see if a screech happened.

ah ok so do I also have to be in feral spec at the time??