I wish Titan Residuum was farmable outside of M+

Tier sets also ruin classes. Your tier set is bad? See you in 6 months where you might bet a better one. Legion was notorious for awful tier sets where people would run the old one at like 45 IL lower because it was STILL better (looking at the likes of Hunters and such).


I think there also should be another way outside of mythics and random azurite pieces to get a bit more the pieces are few and far between and not everyone runs mythic plus maybe as stated have some not a lot come from world quests or the table. :wolf::zap:

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No you get tones of free cr*p for doing wq already (you get tr from wq when the gives you trash level 385 azerite gear.
I would support the cap being 400 if you had the gear required, free gear is handed out fast enough already

I am pretty sure the tier set for bear druids in 7.3.5 was actively avoided because of how bad it was. Using the tier set made you worse as a bear tank vs using non tier gear.


Doesnt have to be farmable. But please allow the pvp cache to have a similar amount to the m+ cache. Like come on. We never even see azerite pieces drop.

Outside of raiding how else does one get azerite gear at a worthwhile level? I’m sure the people who do M+ but not raiding would like to know…

TR was added when they removed azerite from the M+ cache… Because Aparently an azerite vendor isn’t as confusing as a Pvp vendor


Yes, raiding is designed to be the primary source of high level Azerite gear. Similar to how tier sets were.

M+ being a huge supply of TR (via weekly cache) is a secondary source. If you don’t raid. At all. And only M+ you can still get azerite gear. It will just take you longer as you are avoiding the primary source.

So pretty much this, those 2-5 TR a run add up on the regular. I could reliably buy 400’s if I saved up.

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So about 300+ runs for a single piece of random 400 gear?

82 days since Season 2.

So like 3 runs a day for the last 3 months to get a single piece of random 400. This would have to be m0 minimum.

If it was 5 per run, that lowers it to about 1-2 m0s a day since season 2 launched for a single piece of random 400.

I just don’t see that having any real effect. Heroic/Normal couldn’t give this, unless it only gave like 1. Would have to be m0 really.

I do too, and the Azerite gear that comes out of the raids are far from being very good. My main’s bis Azerite chest piece comes off the Darkshore world boss and is capped at ilvl 400. :frowning:

I actually find this (like tier sets) is hit and miss.

Some specs have amazing must-have azerite pieces from raids. Some don’t.

Some specs had amazing must-have tier set pieces. Some didn’t.

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You can technically farm TR by going M0 every week.

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Weekly lockout happens to be in the way, otherwise I’d be all over this.

yeah it was meant as a “bonus” and not a solution. lol
why cant we just have old style pvp vendors and old style badge of frost vendors? who knows…

Badge/Emblem of Frost was VP. Man that was awesome, I’d love for JP/VP to return.

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there was a weekly raid kill too for 2 badge of frost, it gave you a reason to go do old content even though you were a heroic raider (mythic raider)
remember the call to arms : gluth or some random boss.

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In addition to the OP, I made a different thread. “TR could use more love”.

Pretty sure like every tank spec just dodged their tier sets for better stats and such from m+. I mean even NOW most healers (at least druid and shaman) run dps azerite because healing traits are garbage in m+.

To reiterate… it’s not meant to be farmable. Plus, as others have said, do emmisaries that reward azerite gear and scrap it, and you can do LFR/Normal/Heroic and scrap THAT azerite gear. Voila.

Actually no, TR IS the primary source of azerite gear for Mythic Plus, given they removed them from the weekly chest when they added TR.

The specific pieces are the bad luck protection, since the random ones can repeat for some stupid reason.