I wish they'd fix the forum ignore feature

Set up a conditional render on the ignore button so that it still shows when a user’s profile is hidden or something.

You can get around this using something like Postman to send the request yourself, but I’d argue that shouldn’t really be necessary.

This isn’t something critical, but it cleans up the forum feed nicely all the same.

Edit - Though this doesn’t solve the initial issue, you can also manually ignore through the form buried in preferences!

and turn off all these lovely conversations? Half the forum would go poof.

True, but it brings a certain amount of zen into the forum experience.

i skim past the ugly posts. i might only read a part of them, but i like to see all the fuss. It's been a hot minute since we had any real epic bait troll threads. If I could have any feature, it would be to merge duplicate threads into one.

Such as if you make a similar topic like MT it gets added as addendum to one mega thread like a subreddit.

Oh yeah, I’d love that too. I figured fixing the ignore button is doable… merging duplicate threads sounds like miracle work. :rofl:

The only problem there is some people would hate it. Some people firmly believe that their hot take (which had already been said by others, probably repeatedly, in the mega-threads) absolutely deserves to have more eyes on it, being more meritorious than the opinions of others (clearly).

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I’ve never really used the ignore feature myself. I assume that I would just click the show hidden reply button (is that still how the ignore feature works? ) anyway because I’m always curious as to what others are saying about a topic, even if I may historically have disagreed with the person.

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Yeah, and I don’t see all the options lol, just up to 4 months or something.
It’d be nice to have their threads not show up .edit: forever option is cut off for me lol

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I agree with this. Unfortunately, it’s almost never the people you can have a civil disagreement with that have their profiles hidden anyway.

It’s weird that you don’t see the forever option. I thought maybe it could be a trust level thing, but I can’t imagine you aren’t at 3 with 6k posts lol.

There is a forever ignore option but for some reason i canonly get it to work on my phone. Someone suggested typing it out in the ignore length field but i havent tested that yet. I do know that if someone has a hidden profile, you have to ignore them manually via the preferences on notifications page and type their name out.

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You can manually add users to your ignore list through the forum interface.

Preferences ► Notifications ► Users ► [+ Add...]

You do need to include their server, but… doable.

…Seriously, though, using Postman for that…? Wow.

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it just gets really annoying. I try my best to think of original threads rather than be the millionth copycat

It cuts off on my monitor :laughing:
I knew it had to be there!
And posts mean nothing when you get silenced or actioned etc, trust level gets taken away.

It does work, that’s what i do :stuck_out_tongue:


I type in “forever” so much that it’s autosuggested


Interesting, I didn’t know that was there, though that seems an obtuse UX.

I use Postman all the time for work so it’s quick and second nature. No need to be a tool about it.

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I’ve always wondered about this - Personally, I’ve never thought ‘well, maybe they’ll stop trolling in 4 months so let’s do that’, but maybe it’s useful for another reason.

Gud idea.

I wish, in game, when you put someone on ignore you didn’t see their toons anymore. Would be rad

I don’t either

If you have to put someone on ignore, it means you can’t win in a debate imo or can’t take criticism

9/10 the same people that ignore someone will still read their message anyways

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You clearly haven’t had ppl constantly wisp you toxic crap. I’m done with that and ppl in general of that nature.

Peace is way better vs an endless debate

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