I wish people would stop obsessing over the meta

Even the casual players min/max to a certain degree. I rarely run into people with ridiculous talent choices or the “wrong” legendary. People have been pushing high keys and doing mythic raiding as off meta classes and specs for years. It’s not this obstacle that you think it is.

I don’t consider choosing the wrong talents based on their feelings to be “min maxing”. It seems as though you think everybody - 100% - who plays the game is a min-maxer, so we’re not really discussing the same topic.

It’s not about following the meta. It’s about me getting dozens of DPS applicants and you being far from the best DPS applicant among them.


As long as the perfect combo exists, people will want it or as close to it as possible.

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Of course it is. You choose the player whose playstyle and build most closely reflect the meta.

I don’t think min/max means what you think it means. You’re sort of using the forum’s buzzword definition.

I’m using your usage. You said that everyone who plays the game should aspire to be a hardcore min maxer, because you think they can and ought to want to. That’s a non-reality-based idea.

Not everybody buys the game to excel or prove something. You can make it uncomfortable enough that you will drive away paying customers with your demands. It’s already working. Aren’t you satisfied yet?

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If a 235 player with 2.7k on their main and someone at 230 who hasn’t done a single key on any character both queue up for my key, I’m inviting the former. Doesn’t matter if the former plays a Feral Druid while the latter plays a Frost Mage; I invited the better player, period.

In higher (22-25) keys I’ll be much more particular and will actually take comp stuff into consideration, but in typical pug keys I’m going to invite based on how good the player is first and foremost. And OP would not be a good player in that case.

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This has already been explained…

DPS are not in short supply. There are plenty of players with higher IO than YOU. I will pick the better player every time.

Did some of you just not see what 9.1.5 WW was doing? You honestly think I’m gonna pass that up for some of yall?


Again…you don’t really understand what it means. You’ll be expected to pick the correct talents and legendary for whatever spec you’re playing. If that’s hardcore min/maxing, most of the players do that.

I wouldn’t care about meta if the other ones were niche enough to use.

I have three different Covenant Paladin. Maldraxxus is so bad compared to kyrian

bingo. if i’m pugging a low key at this point i am looking for alt runs. without fail, a pug 15 in a group of 2.3k+ players on 220 alts goes way smoother than a pug 15 of 2k players on their 248 mains.

oops, i forgot to mention what specs they are. (it doesn’t matter.)


Well blizz needs to balance it at every level.

Meta gaming is the culture. Do not try to fight this. No matter what you do or try you will never fix the player base.

I didn’t read a 9.1 fury guide until the last week of 9.1. I like to see how much my build and the guide builds diverged at the end of a season. I was surprised to learn that tormented kings was still recommended for 9.1, I played all patch with elysian might. The was the biggest difference. I like to run impending over double time because I also like to invite undergeared low xp healer, it is the best spot to use for guaranteed bonus valor. You never know if a healer is going to do dps or not even if you wait for a 2400 rated.

All 36 specs in the game have timed a +26 key or higher.

This spec balance complaint for low key content (including +15s) is a joke.

But. It’s really a supply and demand problem between dps and tank/heals that’s exasperated by the entire game being cross realm. When every group has 300 dps apply why wouldn’t a group leader be picky?


I tend to avoid Meta classes when PuG’ing. A lot of people re-roll expecting the instant invites and play the class horribly =/

Edit: Boomkins, Frost Mages, and DHs stand out a lot. There’s a lot of good ones, but also a lot of really bad ones

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Same kind of applies to people who mostly play a DPS role but try and switch over to tank or healer hoping for a faster queue, only to muck everything up. New tanks actually trying to learn is one thing, DPS tanks are another.

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