I wish enhance had a reliable cc

I wish enhance had like stormbolt. Or lightning lasso. Or maybe a melee attack where you hit someone with the cap totem. That is all.


Or how about just hex being instant cast for maelstrom weapon stacks? Like it used to be?


I feel like outside of Ele, shamans in general just have really bad hard cc compared to other classes.

Our only stun (outside of lasso) can be destroyed before it goes off in PVP, which is absurd. At the very least cap totem should be untargetable.

Hex being in the nature school and not say, shadow school makes it really risky/punishing to attempt to use at times as specs outside of Ele. Rshams especially suffer from this, and meanwhile other healers get braindead easy CC combos to set up such as monk incap into leg sweep, druid wild charge+mighty bash (or war stomp) into cyclone, pally just running you down with freedom/pony to HOJ because you had the audacity to press grounding totem, ect.

And I can’t believe they took away instant hex for Enhancement, that was a huge defining feature of the spec in arena. That needs to come back for Shadowlands.


They should have removed Forked Lightning from the game instead of mixing it with Ride the Lightning and give us Lasso instead.

Nobody has wanted forked lightning since Legion release but blizz forces us into horrible talent designs if we don’t pick them. Not to mention we are the only spec in the game without any instant cc.

Buff Enhance toolkit aka the worst toolkit.

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I wish we weren’t so squishy. I miss sham rage.

I mean even with lasso I feel like I have bad control over a fight.

Trinket or any anti stun ability and you just get dunked on since you dont have roots, instant mobility, 1 defensive, 1 fundamental spell school etc

Think healing surge does a 10th of my hp

While shamans don’t have a lot of cc, they have a lot of disruption. We have arguably the best kick in the game. We 2 have ranged slows (or 1 slow and 1 root if your resto). We have grounding totem, which is arguably one of the strongest abilities in pvp. We can kite forever in ghost wolf. And finally we can spam purge.

The main issue with Enh is that its too squishy. At least on ele when you ghost wolf kite you still deal a lot of damage with earthen rage, flame shock and building up maelstrom with totems. Enh literally loses all value which kiting