Is this the best lineup for an I win sequence?
Touch of the Magi
Mana Surge
Arcane Missile
and a barrage any time a % to barrage boost procs
evocation to force an Arcane Missile if you want to force it.
am I missing any steps?
Also, I miss my aoe options in frost. Other than that meteor proc and arcane explosions’ do we have any solid solutions for group kills or just focus on single target while in this spec?
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I usually evocation walking to the pull for a spell power buff.
Cast arcane surge, as it hits ill barriage. While barriage is traveling through the air i touch of magi, then barriage again. From here I use arcane missle procs to generate charges, and barriage as much as poasible. Use arcane orb to generate charges, use barriage. Use arcane explosion as a third priority to generate charges.
The trick to doing well in aoe is to use your modifiers and do whatever you can to generate charges to spam arcane barriage.
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You definitely don’t want to use TotM before Surge. Surge has a very long cast time and doesn’t do nearly enough damage to justify it. You’re much better off casting it before TotM. And also always start your major burst sequence with Evocation.
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Are we talking pvp opener?
Cuz if it’s for pve that sequence is all kinds of wrong.
Should be:
Evo 5 secs before pull.
Full AM on pull.
Surge into ToTM.
(Assuming regular ST build)
Why are you the only person here to have mentioned orb.
Are people trolling?
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I should have put orb in the lineup but I’m not sure where in the sequence it belongs other than when it’s off cooldown.
You basically never use Orb in ST.
If you spec into the talent that makes AM missiles give charges then you AM into Orb in the opener so that you can go Surge into Barrage>TotM while the Barrage is still flying