I will not go after Taivan

Welp. Thanks. Guess I will go ahead and do the group stuff at least.

Meta achievements are hard to do if you try to do all at once in a month. I’ve been playing the game since DF launched. When this achievement was released I’ve only needed 3 little achievements to finish. I’m stuck with the Storms one because I need one that never comes, but I’m sure I’ll finish it in a week or two.

The Storm’s Fury event in the Primalist Future requires a group, too, doesn’t it? You have to kill all 3 bosses for the meta.

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Ok. Thanks for letting us know?

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I would prioritize this above all else. Since the enemy NPC’s will come back and recapture the anchor points, this would be MISERABLE solo.

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Can yall go ahead and confirm for me all the group ones? The ones Udiza mentioned I already have done, so I just need the storms one?

That’s nice.

I’m 3 Storms off of being done, myself.

Except for the storms, obviously.

Would you say the Storms Fury is the only cheevo I should focus on immediatly? I am trying to figure out the best way to do this without being overwhelmed, cuz Ive alt f4d like three times today out of frustration.

Try starting a group in LFG. There might be others like you looking to do it

Considering they brought back the SL one, although with a different reward, I doubt the DF one will be doing away when The War Within comes out.

But what about achievements that will most likely be required that come later on into the expansion? Like the ‘clear X raid’ achievements?

yeah, the storms are very non-rotational and random

They don’t need to go into specifics. Just “some of the upcoming world events will be required, and of course every dungeon on mythic and raid on at least LFR.”