I will never forgive y’all for ruining Anduin

OP hates the changes? I thought this was the first interesting thing to happen to the Alliance since… well, ever.

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It’s possible that he was pretty much MC’ed after he picked up Frostmourne, or at least that he was no longer really Arthas. He did some pretty nasty stuff before he ever found the sword though, so definitely not the same situation.

In his defense, the sword did look really cool.

I mean yeah. Who wouldn’t pick it up?

It is annoying how the trend is to think a character has to be edgy in order to be “interesting”. Also, this dumb trend of associating kindness and gentleness with gayness is annoying, and I wish people would just stop. I’m all for characters who don’t fit the cis/straight type, but why play into stereotypes? Why not appreciate a hyper-masculine gay character for once?