I went Kyrian... Should I switch?

I actually don’t even remember why I went Kyrian when I did, it was fun for awhile but I have zero incentive to get my 80 renown or whatever. I don’t raid - ever - and I enjoy playing random battlegrounds. So what do you think, am I totally in the wrong covenant??

Is it worth changing covenants? Is night fae better for a casual pvpr?

You can switch around freely now, so just try ‘‘em all out :slight_smile:

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this has to be some sort of bait

Naw man, I really am a casual coming back after several months lol. I remember months that everyone was suggesting Night Fae and I wasn’t sure if that was still true now. Glad that switching covenants is a lot easier now. (but I havent hit lv 80 renown yet, gotta work on that)

Night fae has the best soul binds of all covenants

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Night Fae is best for pvp.

Kyrian isn’t bad for everything else, but decree is entirely avoidable in a pvp setting, and doesn’t do quite enough damage to a single target to make a huge difference anyway

The hunt gives you a lot of pressure to apply to a single target.

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If you just BG and wanna see big numbers night fae. If you wanna BG and not die a lot go necro with CA legendary and leech.

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For BG’s I would consider Necrolord. It probably has the best survivability. Night Fae has the best burst and mobility imo

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If you dont already have a 80 on a toon, you probably would want to get to 80 before you swap. Once you get 80 on a toon, you can buy tokens to get insta 40 renown.