it’s not an opinion, and nothing about your addon is helpful, so why would i be helpful toward such a clearly malicious tool?
you want constructive feedback truly? take your experience, name change, start again with an addon that’s good
it’s not an opinion, and nothing about your addon is helpful, so why would i be helpful toward such a clearly malicious tool?
you want constructive feedback truly? take your experience, name change, start again with an addon that’s good
If you think the addon is fundamentally wrong from the get-go, your opinion is irrelevant to me—the addon is staying up. Anyone who has constructive feedback that can help the addon, feel free to contribute meaningfully.
It’s not about what I think. Good luck on the road to the trash can.
Perhaps said addon should also collate and show what a person is saying about other people.
It’s all fine and dandy that I can see 20 people said Nikolo kicks puppies. But why can’t I see that Nikolo reported 80 people for having ugly transmogs. Why can’t I see people who may be abusing said tool? Maybe I don’t want to run with Karen Keyholder over there because they’re going to rage and make up stuff about me.
And hey, how can I not be sure that said 20 people reporting Nikolo for kicking puppies are all in the same guild “Puppers Are Love” which would thus make me question the integrity of the reports?
Seems an addon all about holding people accountable should hold everyone accountable and put it all on that table. Unless the true goal is less about holding people accountable and more about making a tool for bullying.
I like the addon idea, but the chance of people just trying to abuse it would make it almost impossible to manage.
I would suggest you to start thinking like an Uber-like app, you need to travel with the driver before giving him a rating. Before I report, I need to make a group with.
You could also think in the reverse way, instead of give reports, people could give a thumb up or down, the score should reset after few weeks, so if you want to keep with a nice score, keep being nice.
So this is the future everyone putting each other in a mental and social construct prison.
This is going to end really well…. Kinda reminds me of a lot of events in history haha.
Unless Blizz does something to stop it…which is where this whole thread started
This is really a seriously bad idea but given today’s social climate I’m not surprised. ( The word that came to mind when I saw what the functions of this add on was “Tyranny”.
yes, it is.
not in just this game, a little addon is clearly just an echo of a larger problem. this is a problem with culture and society itself.
notice how it keeps being justified disguised by simple politeness
wow, there is an unmoderated add on that allows players to give arbitrary feed back about other players?
mmm pretty sure this wont last.
I like this idea but then there’s the issue of anonymity, so how about this, as a requirement for reporting, a full screenshot or video should exist showing the players name (while it doesn’t show the realm, it is easily findable). This way, how many reports a player has made can be logged and checked in-game. Now there would be accountability both ways, it would encourage people to be really selective about how they report, unless they want to be seen as Karen Keyholder over there.
you’ll find nobody is going to jump through that hoop, because the main audience is a bunch of control freaks.
put 2 and 2 together, and for the love of god don’t come up with 5
proof is needed anyways, the only difference now is that it cant be cropped
It’s moderated…by this guy. He is the judge, jury, and permanent brander
And the guy you have to apologize to if you want to have chance of getting removed from the list
i don’t moderate because it would be wrong as the developer to do so, there are other people whose job is to collectively make judgement and approve/deny… if enough of you don’t like this system, it can be transitioned to judgement made by the players publicly…
Yeah this is not a good idea, a system in which moderation is done not by a individuals who have any sort of set of standards by the community should be allowed, or with out proof of whats going on.
This has nothing but disaster written all over it. I would highly suggest you report this to blizzard, not through a ticket system but actually go through there support and establish email communication with them.
A mod like this very much needs to be checked against ToS, hell even TRP had to eventually get a report to blizzard function added.
This is a dangerous tool that can be used very VERY maliciously.
Sold. I’m prepared to invest 7 dollars now. An argument could be made for 8.
The porblem here is, who are these mods? what set of standards are they held to? what guide lines do they follow? what system in implemented in order to review these “Rulings”?
What system is implemented in the situation of mass reporting and ill intent black listing or black listing over false claims?
If some players starts spreading rumors, and all of a sudden this person has a massive volume of unfounded reports, how is that mod team going to verify that is not ture?
Whats to verify that these mods are even doing their job?
They made a discord channel. Sounds professional to me.
well, more people to FF, i doubt the community will hold in wow with this toxic behavior, already i can see the reports: