I was wrong - enjoying tww

Warbands will go down as the greatest addition of this expansion, no matter what else they add during its lifetime.


isnt that a good thing?
I mean, if you want to run for better gear and no one wants to run with you, isnt this providing you another avenue so you dont have to wait for them to get in the mood to run something?

Yeah because they have a solid group of friends.

Puggers are sol when they can’t push low keys because no one is doing them

then get friends lol. i found a few friends in delves i added to friends list.

No it’s not because m+ has unique m+ rewards…

That is the same argument that elitists said to casuals during earlier expansions…

Aren’t you against gatekeeping?

No. It’s fine as it is.

All the m+ers will have better gear to get soon enough and bypass all us “scrubs” so they will still stand out.
No need to ruin something most everyone enjoys. Just have patience.
You’ll get your better gear, challenges, etc… in just a matter of weeks, give or take.

i call out gatekeeping

i dont call myself a gatecrasher.

You just said “go get friends”

That’s literally gate keeping

The “gate” being friends.


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:dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:


yeah im not a gatecrasher


Wtf does that mean?

You want a gate but no gate keeping?

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btw i just got a 603 boots. omg im getting heroic tmog

So what about those who are socially impaired or don’t have the time to make friends??

What you say to them mister 'i call out gatekeeping"

No, it isn’t. Just another M+ player mad that M+ is no longer the only path to good gear.


Uh… Yeah it is

go play a singleplayer game

Bro you are a massive hypocrite.

at least im not trying to get rid of rewards people like.

like some kindergarten kid who doesnt like others playing with their toy cars

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oh you are back. wow is so much easier now than it was back in the day, remember the days when you would have plenty of different skill level guilds stuck on normal or wiping in heroic for weeks on end.

back in the day you would have only dbm, a few guides going for raids and most of it was figuring it out yourself and people progressed at a slow steady rate.

now theres dbm bigwigs prob a couple others a weakaura for every single ability ,affix, interupt , nearly every raid has a complete boss guide and cheat sheet before it even hits live, rotation addons for those that cant learn their class on their own. not to mention vault and catalyst + the 600 different weekly events for free gear. trying to say wow is harder now is a joke.

not trying to ruin it , it just needs to be balanced properly. other than doing M+10 8 times a week for the next 4 months / mythic raid to get myth track most players will be all at the same ilvl as solo delvers just because thats how it is with current gear.

There it is. Tell us what you really think.