I was wrong - enjoying tww

So I said before launch that tww seemed “meh” and more like a new season not an expansion. Well I’m going to eat my words.

I’m actually really liking it. Delves surprisingly are enjoyable as long as they don’t nerf the heroic rewards, warband is a game changer, and so far the raid seems fun.

I haven’t even done much m plus so far because of delves as a gearing option. Although once I get all heroic I’ll push mythic plus and my 8, that to say yeah I am going to take it back and resub lol.


unfortunately they need to make a change to delves , its too easy to get heroic track gear compared to the other options. A T8 is 10x easier than a +7 for M+ / heroic raid,

they could keep it as is if they removed the heroic gear from bounty maps or added more Tiers and made bounties drop / only give heroic in a T12 or something like that.

I mean, besides the various ongoing bugs the actual expansion itself is alright, that’s true. Zones are surprisingly big considering that they’re underground

…but at the same time if you happen to have been affected by these various weird bugs it really puts a “damper” or “drain” on your enjoyment of the game (if that makes sense)

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Sometimes all it takes is a little time to allow change to sink in.


I like all the follower dungeons and delves.
All four zones look great.
The questing is very nice…typical warcraft.
Feels ‘different’ without feeling entirely alien like SL.
For casual solo play, its definitely one of the better expansions


Yea i live the Delves, if they didnt have them i prob wouldnt be playing


Wrong and wrong.


So what? Aside from ego why do you care if solo players can gear up? You can do the same.


opposite for me. im already bored so will probably not resub. i have two tokens in my bags though so ill check things out again if they ever add in big content updates

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Dude, that’s just brutal.

Also, entirely correct. I for one appreciate your economy of words.



This is very true, and not many people realize it.

I’m still on the fence as to whether or not the wheel was such a good idea.

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Are you another that cries about solo players actually having access to a gear track? Sounds like it.


No, no, no.

You were brutal, and entirely correct. And I appreciate your economy of words. Go more slowly!


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Ah gotcha gotcha. My bad.

falls over


Wow… twice in one month someone admitted to being wrong about something in GD.


i have 3 toons that are half heroic track without setting foot in a M+ / heroic raid but yet you think delves are balanced and fine as they are?

i get that they are making it alt easier and more ways to let solo players gear and thats fine but there is a thing called balance. cant have solo content be 10x easier than the group content for the exact same gear it makes no sense to do that.

Absolutely, yes.


Still Pals?

I love delves. I’ll gear up in them for the fun and a bit of accomplishment feeling. And I think most of us that like delves for that reason won’t ever be sullying the M+ experience for others.



Same here. Absolutely love delves. I’d like to dip into M+ but the way it is now, not sure I want to.


Delves are meant to be an endgame pillar for people that don’t do Mythic+/ Heroic raid. That is the whole point of them. We can get the gear and then we have to upgrade process which is going to be slower than people wo do Mythic+/ Heroic.

There is no need to gimp Delves for that people that enjoy them and they gear they give in order to make some people that do Mythic+/ Heroic feel better.