I was wrong - enjoying tww

because you’re complaining that delves are taking away players from M+

so you have a problems with delves as a whole and not their difficulty

just say that. you want them all gone

Not hating T Dubs Squared myself, granted i’m completely ignoring the story so i’m just talking gameplay.

You’re making stuff up…

I think delves are great.

What is not great is if the easy difficulty for high rewards kills off the natural progression of m+ for puggers

the majority of people primarily doing delves will never step foot into mythic plus

try again

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Then explain why it’s so hard to pug low keys?

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because M+ is garbage rn


No, because there’s no need to do low keys when you can gear with delves…

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you know what , easy solution just make all delve gear open world gear only and not work in raid / M+ and then solo players can have their easy gear , win win win, solo players get their easy gear and full strong and then it would also keep bads out of keys / force people to run low keys / M0’s for gear

T8 Delve = M+3

They both give champ drops.
They both give hero track vault.

The map drops that give hero gear in delves are unreliable. I’ve done like 30 T8s and haven’t seen one.

they should raise the difficulty of M+1-8 so they award myth track gear


So then raids are dead???

can tell if that was a joke or not? the answer to balance is to not just boost the reward for the balanced content and let the new unbalanced stuff stay the same


delves, M+ and raids all have their place.

the loot is balanced between them all

stop complaining and do delves or dont.

M+ and raid are balanced, you do +10’s you get myth track, you do myth raid you get myth track next thing you know youll want myth track for delves too. delves are not balanced for the reward / difficulty

No they are not…

You just proved my point when your solution is to have lower m+ give mythic gear

why are you assuming anything?

im happy with 1/8 champion from tier 7 , and 3/8 champion from tier 8 is a nice bonus for that heroic tmog

It’s a brave thing to admit you were wrong. Glad to hear you’re enjoying yourself!

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okay so if i said delves only dropped vet track gear and then just gave xmog pieces instead or you could buy the xmog youd be fine with that

Ugh this guy is a troll…

It’s fine. Blizzard is not gonna let m+ die.

Again, just buff the avoidable damage in delves and make it more punishable.

That how you get the welfare trash to get back into a nice mix of raids, m+ and delves.

you’re so irritated by delves being there for solo players to have their own progression, because now you can’t control their gearing by being a gatekeeper.