This is a single player game.
now, yes. yes it is. and i love it!!
even if i didnt step foot into a M+ / raid this season with how easy the delves have been to gear it has just made me think wtf is this. it should not be this easy to gear up to endgame period. im not saying remove the option im saying balance the fing thing so its actually hard for the reward.
thats not how balancing works, you dont introduce a new system and then nerf the current systems to balance it. you buff / change the new system to match the old ones. this is the whole problem
Nah guys it’s two-player co-op. My wife and I are proving it.
So you WANT those people to be back in your M+ pool. Why? Just so you can be mean and condescending to them? You actually like your time wasted?
You really do fit the profile of the M+ tryhard that’s mad the casual/solo players are getting gear.
get rekt
I repeat:
They’re mad if bads are joining their keys.
They’re mad if bads aren’t joining their keys.
It absolutely is and I wish people like you would stop denying it.
Actually, it is.
They introduced this system because the stuff you like isn’t popular enough to sustain the game. Apparently less challenging and more rewarding is.
So, if you think the reward is too easy to obtain in one mode compared to a different mode, the obvious outcome is going to be to nerf the difficulty of the other mode.
The game doesn’t revolve around you.
This is proven each time a class ends up like BM was in S4 of DF.
People routinely prove that easier and more rewarding is what they prefer on this game.
Its alot less stress than m+ imo
how is making content actually difficult for the reward gatekeeping? nothing is stopping you from grinding lower tiers and upgrading your gear if content is too hard its usually a skill issue.
the game doesnt revolve around the snowflake solo players either but yet here we are
kind of makes me want to queue for his group as a tank
the true colors
You know I was happy about delves and for players who wanted solo content…
I wanna play with my wife without her needing to do content she doesn’t like
But It’s really sad seeing how players like you guys don’t care about the fallout to other game modes due to bad balancing for difficulty to rewards…
You’re just selfish leeches who only care about yourselves and not how the overall health of the game is effected…
You don’t need the loot you’re getting for the difficulty your playing on
So either buff the difficulty or nerf the ilv rewards, or m+ is gonna be an elitest only cesspool that’s unpuggable
well apparently you want everything in life for practically free , of course it makes you look like a snowflake
im doing 15 minute content for the reward
it aint free
Apparently it does. Deal with it.
Breh I’ll fill some of your low keys later in the season when I’m ready to sweep up an easy KSM. Calm down. M+ isn’t going anywhere.
I’ll even heal for you!
15 minute easy content for endgame gear , yea it practically is
easy for some, not easy for others. especially those shadow priests. god help them