I was wrong about Kyrian being good written

So she act differently offscreen? thats really bad for a character design.

Odyn’s pretty much the same way he can present one face as a raging barbarian and another as a calculating schemer. Helya does most of her stuff off screen in the Legion campaign you’re following up on investigating what she’s left behind.


Welcome to blizzard writing.

I am depressed enough, but like IDK If i could choose between removing my depression or removing Blizzards crappy writing I would probably go with the former in most cases, as at least i can probably find some joy in that

Compared to finding joy in the fact blizzards writing actually made sense, I just get the feeling that there was rewrites midway throught the story. Coz some stuff feels just removed or whatever.

I mean the night fae campaign barely have any “Red thread” so to speak, Its not coherent.

At this point even if blizzards could achiev the best explanation scenario, i’m still think its a poor decision Helya schemes in bastion.

Helya was suposed to be what Muezala and Devos was
 a dungeon boss and nothing more.
She is not good character, if someday i need to describe a generic poor character Helyah would be my first example.

Now hold on a second, Helya is actually one of the more complex and interesting characters we’ve had recently. She has a pretty compelling reason for the things that she does, having been condemned to servitude by Odyn and transformed into the monster she is now against her will. It’s no wonder she would want to undermine Bastion, the realm of the Shadowlands that first gave Odyn the idea of forcing their role on her for the glory of his Valajar.

Helya has already been both a dungeon and a raid boss, and throwing her away on another dungeon would undermine the arc of her story. Helya deserves some kind of resolution with Odyn and with the Kyrian. While you may have found the set up for Devos more compelling, and easier to follow, that doesn’t make Helya a bad character.


Where did you get this claim from?

Well, I would add that Zekhan and Bwonsamdi were introduced as one thing, and garnered enough positive reception to give the writers a reason to expand their stories.

A change in narrative direction based on feedback can be positive.

I disagree. I am thankful Blizzard has a different scope than you. I like Helya, and I root for her. I hope to bring Odyn’s head to her tortured soul before all is said and done. Maybe then, she will rest in peace.

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Bwonsamdi’s been around since at least Wrath, and BfA gave him a more brighter personality (and made him look like Ryuk), and I guess people really love him that way

Presumably they did so because of Helya’s superficial resemblances to winged Kyrian.

Yes. Introduced as one thing, and changed over time, with Player Feedback as a cause.

Feedback changing the intentional design of a Character is a double edged sword. It works when it does.

I do hope they give Devos some justice in hindsight. She’s was such an awesome character and her being killed off so soon without a payoff felt cheap.

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At least we know it took place sometime between Uthers death and Arthas dying at ICC.

I’ll probably say after we defeated her in Trial of Valor. It was clear that she went after Lysonia more so than Devos. I guess that was because Devos was doing it for Uther, while Lysonia was only doing it for herself.

I think Aelthis says that because Trial of Valor was not something that was planned from the get go of Legion. Even blizzard admitted it was something they threw in at the last minute while designing Halls of Valor and Maw of Souls after doing the Stormheilm storyline because the story would’ve ended there otherwise.

“The idea for this raid was hatched during development of our Halls of Valor and Maw of Souls dungeons, and as we were playing through the zone of Stormheim internally. We had established both Odyn and Helya as titanic figures that couldn’t be completely vanquished by a 5-player group, and during questing players could only hope to sneak past the guardian Guarm through deception. In the past, we have at times failed to resolve minor plot arcs like this, and we wanted to make sure that we didn’t repeat that mistake here.”


Which was why it was not tested on the Beta, while Emerald Nightmare and Nighthold were.

I mentioned helya as a bad character, let me explain what i meant

Kael, Illidan, Arthas, Uther, Jaina, Kel’thuzad (shadowlands: kyrestia, winter queen, renathal, Draka) are major characters.
Mathias Shaw, Garona, Taelia, Darion (shadowlands: Xandria, Alexandros, The acusser) are good secondary characters.

Helya is like Harlan Sweete level.
She has a “decent” backstory but her content INGAME are just poor.

The more I think about it, Helya should have been the major antagonist during the Bastion campaign in general.

While the Forsworn thing is an interesting narrative within itself, as a whole for the conflict of the Shadowlands expansion, Helya, creating her own Maw powered Kyrians to challenge, disrupt and corrupt the regular Kyrians would have been a far better “black vs white” storyline, which Blizzard appears to have wanted.


I wonder if Blizzard is aware of how their writing can come across, especially around their female characters. “Trauma makes you crazy/evil” just keeps cropping up. Feels like reading a college dude’s analysis of the Medusa myth where Perseus was the infallible hero and Medusa was a crazy b****.


Do titanforged beings even have souls? I wonder if the Muehzala stuff bringing her to the jailers side was after or before her demise in legion.

Yes, because of Mimiron.

The mechagnome body we see Mimiron use was not his original one. Instead it is an “avatar like” body that his servants quickly made and put his soul into following the “accident” which killed him. However the result made Mimiron crazier than normal.

Now whether or not they go to the shadowlands when they die we don’t know for certain. But we do know that titanforged that were corrupted by the curse of flesh do.

I’ll most likely say after her death in Legion. Helya did seem independent during Legion. But who knows how far the current writers will go to make the Jailer this ultimate infinite-D chess master because of reasons.

It feels quite impossible to know since I can buy both versions, but because the Valarjar acts unsurprised and like this is something that has happened before IDK what to believe. I wouldnt be surprised if it was part of the “Sylvanas/Helya deal” so to speak.

I think its an attempt at moral greyness except that at some point, your strong emotions that may had been reasonable at some point don’t really justify the actions enough to not make them crazy and/or evil.

I think the likely answer is that they backpedalled hard on Kyrian when they saw how people responded to the area. The beta quest where you help a dude forget his entire family? That just puts a bad taste in a lot of people’s mouths.

I think if we were shown more of the workings of the Kyrian and their Ascension and Path we could make more informed decisions on it or at least get a better understanding of how it works. We’re kind of expected to take all this at face value with the simple explanation of “they need to be impartial!” which feels kind of flimsy. Forget everything ever? Especially when one of Legion’s biggest moments is Illidan saying he is his scars.

That Quest is still there with the only change being an added comment from Pelagos. The Quest that changed majorly was the one of a Kyrian turning into Forsworn as a result of being unwilling to have the Kyrian erase his memories of his beloved!