I was wrong about FF14

Seems like you care

People who genuinely like something don’t feel the need to go to the forums of things they don’t like and talk about the thing they like/don’t like.

I just really wish ppl would stop responding to these kinda threads so they would just die.

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Well, they unflagged it. I’m back. :heart: :wink:

Same thing that happens here. Decent people carry on a conversation and self-serving trolls whine and flag me to their detriment. I do not disrespect people and I involve them in conversation. If you don’t like thread title, don’t click it. SMH.

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Do you really feel the need to be caustic and hateful?
I have friends in here as well, and even though I don’t count you among them, it is rude of you to jump in the middle of it to get another insult in. Time and time again you have expressed your hatred for people who chat outside of your parameters. I have an idea. Why don’t you resist clicking stuff that doesn’t interest you. That would be great. :sunglasses: :+1:


“Why don’t you resist clicking stuff that doesn’t interest you.”

Sounds like you want an echo chamber, or a place where you’ll only get cheers and backpats.

Especially when you post this on the WoW forums.

Try posting the typical “I’m a wowrefugee, wow bad ffxiv good” on the ff14 subreddit, you’ll be cheered at and celebrated.

Definitely took me a bit to get used to the new UI but it’s actually much superior than Wow’s

It was the combat for me, and the slow start for me.

I praise the combat immensely nowadays, I love how proactive it is, I love the effects, the animations, it is a delightful spectacle to observe when at higher level when one learns how to weave.
The slow start in terms of story was also quite hard to get over, but then I started paying far more attention, A Realm Reborn at the end of the day, lays the foundation upon which the expansions will build upon, so A Realm Reborn is EXTREMELY heavy in world-building making it slow.

It is why I love watching Pyromancer play FFXIV now, dude goes as far as taking notes through the story, he spots details I have not.

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I am trying the ESO with no sub. But it’s hard to.

I tried ESO too. There is something about the stiff characters that bothers me. I do not like or dislike the combat and class system in ESO, I quite frankly prefer it. My biggest gripe is their cash shop. Their in game armor is ugly as hell, while their cash shop items are the prettiest of all. That bothers me.

I quite like the IN-game armors better, I don’t like flashy customes, or overly sparkly stuff.

That’s why i have this mog.

But yes, I heard about the stiffness of the ESO models, we actually call ESO, TIESO

Wich in spanish is stiff and makes a fun pun with eso

So you still on FF14?

You forgot Snape kills Dumbledore.