I was hyped for tbc

People keep making these weird proclamations that a mount sale instantly leads to TBC Classic being retail.

That is just silly.


didn’t we just have a discussion about how it wasn’t appropriate to try to diagnose people over the internet? lol?

i think you’re trying to gaslight me. but the stuff is so far out of left field. i just…?

It’s hard to get a hat to fit it, though.

Because anyone who saw it happen the first time and knows even remotely how modern Activision-Blizzard runs its business can see the writing on the wall.

I would bet $1000 that by the time we have classic WOTLK we have wow token, unlimited boosts, and loaded shop. The only reason classic wasn’t monetized to hell was because blizzard was taken completely off guard with how successful and popular it was.


Okay? And will the in game rules sets be the same or pretty much the same?

So far we have seen zero changes to actual game play that were beyond minor and didn’t make sense.

Someone riding around on a store mount that functions exactly the same as anyone other mount does not impact the game.

they want us to care as much about things that they do, that we don’t care about at all. the responses get progressively more aggressive to us the more we don’t care. remember, they think of this in an “our” game sort of way.

If you are incapable of seeing how all of that diminishes gameplay and as a whole is very harmful to the game than I am not even going to bother.

I can tell without even looking you are exactly who retail is designed for, not classic. Let me guess, LFR hero that refuses to do any content these days with other people or socialize in the game. Often mutters “how does me doing X affect you in any way?”

You are welcome to explain how someone having a store bought mount impacts my ability to enjoy the mounts I have acquired in game.

You mean a loaded shop like retail where you can buy pets?

I mean LFR is harder then almost everything in classic.


i think classic lfr would literally be a target dummy that you could loot.

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Right but that pet will one shot raid bosses and make any team on the other side in arena /afk out while pissing themselves. Clearly P2W.

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Because in TBC the reason rare mounts are unique and sought after is because for the most part, everyone has a gryphon or a wyvern. So things like ashes of alar have inherit value in that they are extremely unique and set people apart from everyone else. Same goes for gladiator mounts and the rep mounts that cosmetic only, but require time and effort into the game. They are hard to get, rare and set those characters apart.

Now when you introduce a store full of mounts and cosmetics, that entire paradigm is shattered. Now every schmuck with 25 dollars is running around with uniquely skinned (and usually far better model) mounts than anything you can actually earn IN the game.

It’s the same with boosts. In short, you feel like an idiot wasting their time leveling the intended way when you know everyone else just ends up swiping their credit card and bypassing it all. It shouldn’t even take a 3 digit IQ to see that.


If levelling is a chore, perhaps you should play another game.


there was some dude that accidentally got sent some GM legendary, i think in wrath. he used it to do that. iirc him and his entire guild were perma’d. lol

And guess what they still will be.

ashes is so rare that literally every single person on my friends list has it. right.

So just to be clear, we have no idea yet how one gets the mount but you have moved in to “store full of mounts and cosmetics”. Do you guys ever discuss anything in good faith?

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blizz doesn’t agree with you and lucky for dude you don’t control what blizzard allows or doesn’t allow in the game, they do. :slight_smile:

If a boost bothers you perhaps you should play another game.

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