I was hyped for tbc

I called him a drama queen. That’s my general thoughts on it. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Also that someone was notglinda the great. Who is obviously NOT Glinda.

My guess is he has no actual purpose or meaning in real life, therefore he escapes to wow and derives his sense of self-worth from it. The boost and the supposed evidence for MTX, (although there is 0 evidence, only the blown out of proportion CE mount), all threaten that sense.

I have a full time job in real life. I just spend my time outside of that playing this character with my friends. Covid certainly didn’t help, but classic got me through it.

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Why do you care so much what other people do? Just play the game and derive your own enjoyment and satisfaction from your characters progression.

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Cooool… see you day one of TBC.

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Looks like you have at least two.

You can buy AQ and higher gear with a boost? I must have missed that… /s

from a RMT boost you can. :stuck_out_tongue:

My best advice is to not let the boost effect you, in fact take some pride knowing you leveled to 60 without a boost :slight_smile:

i’ve leveled to 120 without a boost. these nubs need to get on my level.

technically with shadowlands you leveled 130 times

Caring about what others think about you is human nature. I think even someone who professes to not care what others think is usually doing so because he wants others to think that he doesn’t care what they think, ha. In other words, he actually does care what they think.

Classic is a community-driven game, by design. What OP is talking about is part of the draw.

What does someone tell you when you ding a level? “Grats!” And why do they tell you that? Because they know it makes a person feel good to know that someone noticed their little accomplishment. And all those little accomplishments throughout the game add up and contribute to the social fabric of the community. And each one of those that is replaced with a pay option diminishes it.



You start out at 1, not 0.

I mean, if we’re being technical.

Yes but I didn’t get a level 130 cheevo. :pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face:

I find this a little overdramatic. While I’m not really for store mounts, the existence of them wouldn’t make me not want to play. The boosts help people play with their friends but at the same time I’d be happier w/o them, but to be depressed because of them? Nah.

With mounts, store mounts aren’t really as valuable in my mind as the actual low drop mounts in-game. I’ve always felt that way as I imagine most do. It is worrisome that it could be a stepping stone but mostly I don’t care unless they start selling other gameplay advantages or they load the shop up.

Sir, if you’re gonna post here on a retail toon imma have to ask you to switch to your monk. That’s just how we do it here on the classic forums.

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you do got a point

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It’s a 15 year old game being rereleased. Take a step off the ledge and have fun with your friends.

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There is absolutely nothing keeping you from transferring to the permaclassic realm they are creating. As a matter of fact, Blizzard offers that transfer free of charge. Further, there will be no boosted characters on that server from what Blizzard has been saying so far.

Having said that, if you choose to stay on the progression server then every single piece of your gear will be changed out before 70 anyway.

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A bachelor’s degree in psychology will get you a management job at Chili’s. It is borderline worthless. You are nowhere near qualified to diagnose or recognize someone’s mental illness.

Don’t believe me? That’s fine. Here’s a link: (https:// www. bls. gov /ooh/field-of-degree/psychology/psychology-field-of-degree.htm). Scroll down a bit until you see the bar graph.

Edit: This isn’t an attack on your education outside of you thinking you are qualified to diagnose. I was actually considering a bachelor’s in psych before I found out about it. To those considering a bachelor’s in psych, I highly encourage all of you to do your research before you get too deep in school. Make sure you know what you’re getting into.

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