I was going to make a Blood Elf Paladin for the new set but

if you look at it the mog for pally is just a recoloring of
Light’s Vanguard Battleplate with some shoulders from another set

I thought you only had to be a BE to do the quest but I guess I need a BE Pally to actually get the transmog so going to have to level a BE Pally now. :frowning:

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My blood elf paladin is at 59, my Dark Iron warrior at 57.

I wanted to have them both to 60, but the treacherous weather keeps being sunny and gorgeous, requiring YARD WORK and WALKING THE DOG and suchlike distractions.

I will try to get the paladin through the last chunk tonight after work and mandatory socializing outside with beverages and softball bats. Too many things interfered for me to realistically bust the Dark Iron through 3 levels as well.

I was wondering if the armor is BE Pally only after beeing unlocked or if it can be used by any plate user after. Cause all I see on it is ‘‘Cosmetic’’ I dont see any restriction

Your Dark Iron only need to be 50 for the quest so you are chill on that. Just focus the BE I guess

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You do. But if you Pally also you get the armor. Not just the weapon/Mount like other BE

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Personally I think if something like a retrieving realm list glitch is enough to discourage you from doing something, odds are you didn’t wanna do it in the first place.

I can only play paladin for 45 minutes a month. That’s how long it maintains my interest. I bet prot would be fun if i enjoyed tanking at all.

You’re absolutely right, and knowing that you are right, I’m about to roll my blood elf paladin right now.

Why? Because playing World of WarCraft isn’t about having fun.

It’s about collecting things to distract yourself from the existential nightmare that is 21st century Earth.