I was falselybanned for buying strath boosts plz help

What evidence could he possibly produce that would please you?

Continuing the discussion from Policy Update for Organized In-Game Services – January 2022:


I mean, you posted too early lmao.

I retract my smarminess and will give this a read, thank you!

EDIT: so fair point, this does ban boosting communities that advertise. It however does not ban guilds from boosting their guild mates or friends doing it.
Seems more aimed at advertising boosts from organized communities dedicated to boosting, not boosting in general.

So no, boosting is banned but not for guilds or friend groups. Main difference being, in my reading, paying for the service.

Per what I read, yes. PAYING for one is bannable. Seems the main difference is gold changing hands.

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So Um … is paying for a strath boost bannable?

Say you and I were bros in game, me being level capped and you currently leveling.
If I took you through SM as a fun hangout we would be fine.

Based on what I read if I am a random person advertising for paid level boosts and you took the offer, we both get the axe.

It isn’t a well worded blue post, so I can see where people would think it bans all forms of boosting.

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That applies to Retail.

Well there’s a category for “boosting” in the drop down when reporting. Do what you want. I’ll keep reporting it.

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You’re not reporting the boosting. You’re reporting the boosting advertisement in the wrong channel.
And they’re probably using the same report tool in both games because this is Blizzard and they can’t be bothered to make a different one.

Atleast Aizen Bankai makes sense, its the same anime.

Advertising boosting is entirely banned per the blue you linked, so yes keep reporting the ads you see in game. That’s why it’s in the drop down menu as reportable.

If dude wants to run his bro through a dungeon for levels and no gold changes hands? Not bannable.

Truth, though I am about to make LuffyKamehameha my next toon name

That ban was for the communities that were getting massive.

It allows for personal, true small guild service selling.

Basically the larger crews unionized to use a phrase.

And it was becoming a cross realm ring. Guild X MG was also Guild X Proudmoore and guild X hell Stormrage. Not just name…it was the same people/leadership.

Running carries and such on all 3 servers, cornering markets.

which led to other issues. you know…you can get that item for this amount of gold.

Some are going but how…in pug raid you could not give gold across realms.

Enter guild X raid members from 4 realms. Pay the branch of the guild you are on. If on MG…pay the MG dude. If on proudmoore…yeah there is a member there too.

Smaller scale/personal is still allowed. You jsut cna’t have the massive cross realm collaberation of guilds across several servers.

See in retail…they need mythic for free press. How do many mythic crews make the gold, to make the ooooh, ahhh run video and that thrilling WFR race.

They sell carries. a lot. Echo and others sell carries on their server. Echo…cannot be be echo on 4 servers to really pull in some gold lol.

We all want to know if you did.

I said in op

I never purchased gold ever and I only traded gold like a few times ever

I gave a few gold to two warlocks for summons

and I paid a few times 15g for strathboost

For those extremely small actions I was perma-banned this morning . I am blown away at this

What’s really funny is that not that long ago the then-President of Blizzard was boasting about he was selling carries.


I was running long on that one…I cut out that bit lol.

Dude even advertised it in his work related tweet iirc.

Which I was fine with. I was going cool…we had proof people at blizzard do actually play the games they make.

This is actually false lol Stop making things up

Wrong, you can advertise it in services.

Its from retail and has nothing to do with mage boosting

I promise im telling full truth. All i did was buy a few strath boosts

You can tell if someone is replying to you or not in the top right of the post

Yep you can get banned very easily for boosting, as the boosters use hacks and you benefit from that