I want YOU to make a red panda

From the coalition of red pandaren, we offer you these flowers.


Psh. Are there any other pandas worthy?

Been a Red Panda since day 1 of rolling my monk and never looked back

I race changed from undead, and I used to get confused whispers from time to time about having a pvp rank as a panda.

OMG Vulpera exist in real life???

:+1: :+1:

Red pandas in real life are adorable. Pandas of every type in WoW are just gross.

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can i be honest with you all here? i got lost in a trade district of stormwind. gaurds where very unhelpful. tried to kill me.
then out of nowhere a red pandaren swooped in and saved me!!!
such a hero.

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Red Panda Girls are the best Pandas.

ya but my Monk misses me :frowning:

I am a blue panda

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Was a red panda for the tail, now I just dress in red

Reporting for duty

Excuse me while I do my haters gonna hate walk


Oh hi there. Sorry. It’s easy for me to be startled when I’m polishing my hooves. If I shine them well enough, I can see my face and…

Oh my. That’s beautiful…

What was I saying?

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no red panda dude’s.
does me the sadness

Already did. My monk panda girl is a red panda because they’re cuter.