I Want Wrath Classic, Not Cataclysm!

Then we need to make it clear to them that we don’t want them to, the majority of course, and to just keep the Classic Eras within pre-wod expansions because that is how it will remain a success. Spread the word. Start a movement.


I don’t want Wod, mostly because I hated garrisons. But I don’t care if they release it. I just won’t play it. I didn’t want era, SoM, SoD, or hardcore. I didn’t come to the forums to rant against them. I just didn’t play them. If enough people did play so blizzard made a profit good for blizzard, no problem for me. Why is it a problem for you if they release WoD? Just don’t play it, problem solved.


I’d rather let SoD catch up to Wrath. Who wants to deal with all the old Wrath class/spec systems crap? Imagine all the nice ruuunnnes you can get at level 80, with classes that can actually do NEW THINGS in NEW ROLES.

You know, because old Wrath was Pallycraft, DKnightcraft, Warriorcraft, Druidcraft? Okay, seriously, let’s not do that a THIRD TIME, hmm? Let’s give OTHER CLASSES a chance to be the ideal tanks, healers, and dpsers.

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That sounds terrible.

Sod is dead.

They just had Phase 4 right now…

And it’s doing awful

Because SoD P3 really sucked so horribly bad, that P4 just HAD TO COME OUT and clutch it!

no. take care, get well soon

because it will be just like what already happened in 2014, it will overwrite MoP and thats not what pre-wod lovers want. If they release WoD on a separate optional classic server, then yes by all means, that’s acceptable. But leave MoP open on its own server so people can stay in that expansion if they want to. Not hard.

I’d even say the same for Cata, and wotlk but sadly its too late for that xpac, and I didn’t even play wotlk anyway, but I believe us as players deserve to just choose what expansion we want to stay in and have its existence be permanent this time. If you hated WoD yourself, surely you’d agree with this so you would have the option to stay in whatever pre-wod xpac you prefer? Because I’d be right there with you my friend. This is what we deserve in WoW at this point.

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I don’t think you know what people want. I know I can’t speak for all people but decades of gaming has taught me one thing. People play a game, they might play it a few times on different characters, then they’re done with it and move on. To a different game or to an expansion of the game. Almost no one plays the same game forever. Every gaming company knows this and they respond by creating new games or expansions.

That’s true of all games, even wow. We were told on the forums that most of the classic players wanted to play vanilla forever. Some even told us it would be more popular than BC classic. So blizzard gave us era, and it was dead. Almost no one played it. Blizzard learned their lesson, why didn’t you? If there was a forever BC it would be as dead as era. If there was a forever wrath it would be dead. If there was a forever MoP it would fail. Because almost no one will play the same game forever.

I’m one of the vast majority of players that play a game, even a few times through, then when I’ve completed it I move onto another game or expansion. There’s no way I would ever play the same game forever and neither will most people.

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If there was a forever Vanilla, BC, Wrath, Cata, and MoP… And people say got tired of one xpac, they have several options to play another by copying a character from 1 xpac to a later one, but that character doesn’t get deleted from the expansion they copied from (obv put the copy on a cooldown or a 1-time use so it can’t be exploited) just incase they ever feel like going back at some point in time for any kind of reason.

Obviously its hypothetical cuz pre-cata xpacs are already overwritten, but just for theory sake. Many you-know-what servers do this strategy and it WORKS, minus the amount of bugs they have.

If there was Blizzard would be hosting them at a loss because there wouldn’t be enough subs or shop sales to make a profit. I think capitalism is the best economic system and I don’t think blizzard should host games at a loss.

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Mkay fine, whatever, you’re right. Yeah. I suppose great things aren’t meant to last forever.

People been playing unpatched Chess for centuries. Sounds like all them Tiktaks and participation trophies are taking their toll on our species, huh?


Here’s the thing… Let Hottiepants break this down for everyone that’s confused.

There are two types of gamers. And to preface this, both types are perfectly fine and valid.

One type likes to clear intended content, and once that’s done, they find something else to do in another game, and they come back to a “completed” game when new content comes out. (Completion can have a self-defined meaning.)

The other type likes to get comfortable within a game. They like investing a lot of time into that game, and they want to get better at it, etc. They don’t like starting over constantly, for example. They often don’t hop around from game to game to explore new content, because they more enjoy fully conquering the content that’s already there. There’s always more you can do, especially in some games more than others.

Both types of gaming are okay.

But here’s the thing… For the first type, that’s what retail does. That’s why it’s retail; that’s why it’s the continuous, ongoing storyline.

Classic was supposed to be for the other type. People that like to settle in. People that could play it for decades.

So why are we turning Classic into Secondary Retail? Why is Classic now being made to cater to the people that already have their game mode?

I believe the answer is simple enough: The first gamer type is a rapidly cannibalizing gamer type. They consume consume consume, and once something is done, their gaze darts around to find the next thing to consume.

It only makes sense that the first thing a retailer sees is going to be Classic. And, somehow, that translated into them influencing the rapid pushing of Classic progression. Which is the exact opposite of what the entire point of Classic is.

It went from…

“Oh. We’re on chapter 45, but you guys really liked chapter 1? Okay, well here’s chapter 1 for you to enjoy forever.”


“Oh. We’re on chapter 45, but you guys really liked chapter 1? Okay, we’ll run you through the whole story real quick until you catch back up to 42. We hope to see you there!”


Era exists. Go there.

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Yeah. Exactly. Except that’s strictly Vanilla, right?

So why not do the same for a few others? Namely the most popular ones: BC, Wrath, Mop, Legion.

… Saying that out loud, maybe they can use this current “Classic speedrun” thing to see which ones are worth making permanent.


So you wish to either split up the population or kill off the older versions, right? We saw what happened to Era when TBC hit, we saw what happened Era AGAIN when HC hit, and we saw what happened to WotLK when SoD hit. Move on from forever, go to a private server, or simply stop playing. We are tired of your alt-swapping.

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My characters are Hottiepants, Boostieboyz, and Skillshock, and frankly, the constant attempt at social dismissal based on a false accusation is getting on my nerves. And while we’re here, couldn’t i also accuse you of the same thing? Oh, but it’s different for you, is that right?

At any rate, i have an on topic response, but you literally soured the discussion. I suppose that’s exactly what you wanted, with your fallacy abuse, but it is what it is. I have no desire to continue. So congratulations on your empty victory.


Short version: No. Era exists. Go there.