I Want Wrath Classic, Not Cataclysm!

yes but some of us want a permanent version of wrath classic where it never progresses beyond wrath classic. Ok cool. Glad I cleared that up. Like I don’t give a rip that these are progression servers. So? So what? Make permanent versions of wrath classic blizzard because some of us want that. Thanks.

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My story has always been consistent. You behave like a child. You constantly necro threads. You spam the same trash over and over. You hide behind alts.


was wrath amazing? yes, but we just did months of it, i wouldn’t want to do ICC for now.

So do you. You act like a giant child also. Constantly crying about how I wreck the forums with my wrath classic nonsense. At least I can admit I act like a child.

I would just be doing ulduar. And possibly naxx. And of course leveling up my toons because I actually level. I am not one of those people that wants levels in 10 seconds. So for me, there would be plenty for me to do. Blizzard just won’t provide that for me and my friends.

And there you go once again. Another childish reply. “I know I am but what are you” I will call out your trash every time you post it. Maybe you should stop enabling me?

Who are you again?

Silence, Alliance scum! Keep your filth to yourself!