I want to use a real tricky macro... can you help me?

  1. successful cast
  2. GetRandomArguement
  3. Thalassian (void elf language)

I want to use a macro that goes

I cast polymorph on enemy horde player, yelling “ur a sheep now!” or “I wonder how lamb tastes like!” in Thalassian, on a successful polymorph cast.

Can anyone help me about this one? :frowning: :sob: :sob: :sob:

There is no way that im aware of to tell if a spell has been successfully cast but the stopmacro command below and corresponding conditionals should decrease the likelihood that you say anything without casting polymorph first. I have no idea how one speaks in Thalassian.

/cast [harm,nodead] Polymorph
/stopmacro [nocombat][noexists][help][dead]
/run local t={“ur a sheep now!”,“I wonder how lamb tastes like!”,“somewhere mary is missing a sheep”}SendChatMessage(t[random(#t)],“SAY”)

I recommend you keep the random saying as a say instead of a yell. Yelling gets old quick and is a good way to get added to ppl’s ignore list.

Need to use code tags or the forums replace the quotes with smart quotes. Language is the 3rd parameter of SendChatMessage

/cast Polymorph
/stopmacro [nocombat][noexists][help][dead]
/run local t={"ur a sheep now!","I wonder how lamb tastes like!","somewhere mary is missing a sheep"}SendChatMessage(t[random(#t)],"SAY","THALASSIAN")

You may need to figure out the language index if using the name doesn’t work.

/run for x=1, GetNumLanguages() do DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(GetLanguageByIndex(x)) end
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Very cool, Elvenbane. I love it when i learn something new.

Now i can go back to eating leftover turkey.

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genius. Thank you so much.