I want to turn into different animals

We need more glyph options for Druid Shapeshifting. As a Worgen Druid, when I go Feral I want to go full Wolf, and when I go Ground Travel form maybe a Greyhound. Maybe become a Rhino instead of a Bear. Am I the only one who wants more options?


It’ll cost an entire exspansion to code those


I’m pretty sure that’s specifically the one illegal option as far as druid forms are concerned.


It’s how worgens got their curse isn’t it? They [elf druids] couldn’t control the wolf, and it became out of control? From what I understand, it’s why the elves came to help [they felt a responsibility] and so on and so on.


I tried to get that trending but I was ultimately ignored :frowning:

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Unpaid Intern sits down at PC

Unpaid Intern Copies Glyph of the Cheetah code.

Unpaid Intern replaces the model ID number of the referenced Cheetah model with a different model ID number.

Unpaid Intern changes the name from “Glyph of the Cheetah” to “Glyph of the Different thing”

Unpaid Intern changes the new item’s ID to something unused.

Unpaid Intern copies the code for the recipe and similarly changes it.

Unpaid Intern references the item into the pools of vendor items for an NPC in Oribos.

Unpaid Intern goes out and gets coffee, then applies to Dreamhaven or Riot as the most skillful programmer at Blizzard. The prophesized one who did what others could not.


Sometimes some additions could be so easy… that it hurts not to see them x’D

Sir, that is called a Shaman. Who, by the way, have been waiting for more forms far longer than druids

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IIRC, two slightly separate things are at play:

Goldrinn’s ferocity overpowers the user to the point where even an experienced druid would quickly go berserk (Malfurion attacked Cenarius when he attempted to master the form).

The Worgen came to be when a group of druids tried again to conquer the form, by using the power of the Scythe of Elune (which was made with one of Goldrinn’s fangs) as a focus. The scythe essentially mutated them, and then they went mad soon after.

Now, there are ways to recover from the madness (Cenarius put Malfurion to sleep to help pull him out of the form, Druids with the Scythe could heal a few wayward worgen in Legion), but it’s still super dangerous to attempt and supposedly impossible to maintain. I feel like if it ever became an option, it would be a big cooldown move instead of a regular shapeshift.

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