Look… Blizz… The Stormbringer hero talents should let me summon and throw tornados at people.
We have so few wind based abilities in the game. Sure, we have windshear and windfury weapon. But Windfury procs on your own character and it’s just kind of a puff of smoke more than anything.
I love air as an element, and even though it’s highly represented as lightning in the game, we don’t have any real wind abilities. Windstrike from Enhancement’s Ascended form is really cool, but if you’re in melee range you never see it. And often times it’s drowned out by lightning effects anyway.
So, Blizz. Let me summon a tornado or two. Let me use the Tempest ability from the Stormbringer hero talents to summon a few tornados at my target’s location that “follow” the target for a few seconds.
D4’s Druids are a great reference point for what I’m thinking of.
Just let me throw tornados at people. It would be super cool!
Considering that a storm is mostly wind and rain, it’s odd that we have so little aeromancy and hydromancy abilities. (Not that Shamanism has any relation to schools of magic)
It sucks theres no interaction between elements, instead its Ice buffs ice, fire buffs fire. Nothing about earth shocking a frozen target or wind shearing a burning one.
It would probably make more sense to give enhance tornadoes, maybe in place of lightning shield, could slow melee attack speed when struck, then replace thunderstorm (enhance) with some sort of tornado expulsion thats seen in a lot of pve content with 4 lines of tornadoes being sent out that perform a knockback.
Bring back Hurricane and give it to Shaman. It used to be that. An AoE zone with Tornado in it. They could even add a little bit of Thunder falling like in D4
I think it would be cool if the Stormbringer Hero Spec replaced Earthquake with a thundercloud. Summoning a black cloud spewing lightning everywhere would be dope.
there are random orc npcs in nagrand who have spells that summon gigantic tornados and every time i see it i get so jealous. i wish the shaman class fantasy was a fulfilled as like any other class
there are multiple orc shaman npcs in draenor that summon tornadoes including thrall and drek’thar in frostfire ridge and warsong orc shamans in nagrand so its definitely not completely out of the question